Subject: Trouble sleeping? THIS is the easy fix...

Do you keep looking at the clock, mentally calculating how much time you have until your alarm goes off? ...

So little by little, as the night ticks away, you keep counting down the amount of sleep you MIGHT get?

Or maybe you find that the moment you lie down in bed, THAT is when your brain suddenly starts kicking into overdrive, thinking of everything that you have to remember to do tomorrow or that you forgot to do today?

Or do you fall asleep no problem then BOINK...your eyes pop open an hour or two later and you can't go back to sleep?

You're definitely not alone...this happens to a LOT of people (I've been there, too, and it's awful).

The stress of not sleeping just compounds the problems you face the next day from lack of sleep.


So how do you fix it?

One of the first things that people turn to is melatonin.

And honestly, it CAN be a decent, short-term fix.

Its got a few problems, though...

  • #1 - It doesn't keep working forever...your body downregulates its own production of it so that you have to keep taking more and more of it for less and less effect
  • #2 - It helps you GET to sleep but it doesn't help you STAY asleep


Instead, the BEST approach is to give your body the precursors to melatonin and the molecules that help your body produce melatonin naturally…

  • So the body doesn't downregulate
  • You don’t become dependent on sleep supplements
  • And you don’t experience that “sleep hangover”

I like this approach a LOT better.


And THIS is the stuff that does it for you...

It's called "Sleep Breakthrough"...and it's made by the same company that makes my favorite magnesium supplement (Magnesium Breakthrough) and digestive enzymes (MassZymes).

I've been working with them (and taking their supplements) for more than 15 years now. And when they come out with a new product, I know they've done the research.

Here's the list of ingredients.

As you can see, not a single bit of melatonin.

The ingredients work together to support your natural production of melatonin while also relaxing your brain and nervous system.

What I like about this formula is that there is no "proprietary blend" where you don't get to see exactly how much of everything is in there.

On each ingredient, they've included a research-backed therapeutic dose in the formula.

You may also notice that the serving size is 4 scoops...these are LITTLE scoops (not like protein shake's a small spoon, really).

They recommend you start with one scoop to see how it works for you...if that small dose is good, stick with that. If you need more, you can bump it up as needed.

When I tested it, I worked up to the full serving, just to see if it would affect me the next day. I had no issues waking up and I didn't feel groggy at all. It worked great for me.

This stuff works WITH your body to help you get the sleep you need, not by forcing your brain to shut off like when you hold down the power button on a computer, but by using the normal shut-down command so that everything turns off gently.


The bottom line is this...

If you have trouble sleeping, it can pretty much wreck your, productivity, metnal state, training results like fat loss and muscle-building.

Everything is affected.

If you've tried a bunch of different things like melatonin, blackout shades, weighted blankets, white noise generators, etc. and they haven't done the trick, this could be the easy, simple solution you've been looking for.

It's a gentle way to support that natural "off switch" your body has to shut down for the night.

Get your Sleep Breakthrough here...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

P.S. Just FYI, if you decide to give it a try, you can choose to either subscribe for a discount, or you can opt for one-time only purchase. The order buttons have a little option "switch" just above them. It's not immediately obvious, so I wanted to make sure you knew it was there.

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