Subject: Training Equipment Review...Dark Iron Fitness Dip Belt

If you've developed enough strength with bodyweight-only dips and chin-ups to require using additional weight to progress further, you need a dip belt.

Using a dumbbell set between your feet can be a decent option, but for optimal loading of the exercises, a good dip belt is a must.

If you've been training any good length of time, you've likely seen the classic dip belt design of a leather hip strap connected with a chain to hold the weight plates. And that does work just fine.

However, what if there was a BETTER design that made the exercise more comfortable and secure so that you could focus on performing the exercise rather than worrying about how the belt is sitting on your body?

That's where the Dark Iron Fitness Dip Belt comes in...check out my full review of it here.

[Spoiler alert: this thing has replaced my old-style dip's SO much better to use]


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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