Subject: Total-body fat-loss workout done with just an empty bar...

When I'm training for fat loss, I like to get the workouts done in a FAST and EFFICIENT manner...and that means taking very little to no rest for the duration of the workout.

Because the more work you can do in a short amount of time, the greater the metabolic boost you're going to get out of it.

That's when I use a method that I call Fat Loss Circuit Training...

Basically, you do a weight training workout, but instead of taking rest in between sets, you do a short interval of moderate-intensity cardio training.

It sounds easy...but in practice, it's EXTREMELY challenging. You literally get NO rest for an entire 25-30 minute workout. You're moving and working the whole time, constantly switching between the various energy systems of the body without recovery.

In terms of fat loss, I've found it to be one of THE single best ways to increase metabolic rate and burn calories long after the training is done. You get all the benefits of a resistance workout and all the benefits of an interval training workout, all wrapped up into a time-efficient, hyper-effective package.

Use this training style and you WILL burn fat.

I've put together a total-body circuit using just an empty 45-lb Olympc bar for you to try out.

You can choose to follow it as-is or using the exercise ideas as a template to put together your own workout. It's a VERY powerful method that's challenging and FUN (my idea of fun, at least :).


One More Thing...

If you're interested in more workouts along this line, I would highly recommend having a look at my friend Jen Sinkler's new book "Lift Weights Faster 2".

She's put together a collection of 181 workouts desigend to crank up your metabolism, just like Fat Loss Circuit Training...and I'll tell you, these are AWESOME.

Whether you've got little to no equipment or a full gym, she's got options for you...beginnger to advanced...bodyweight, Valslides, dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, and combinations of them all.

This is GREAT stuff if you're looking for unique and challenging fat-loss workouts to keep your training interesting and effective. She

Check it out here...and get 181 workouts that will get you lean FAST.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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