Subject: Too tired to play with your kids? Dragging through a workout? Do this...

Low energy happens to everybody.

I woke up early this morning to walk my dogs (6:30 am) before it got too hot out...they were ready and raring to go but I was walking like a slug when we got out the door.

They kept pulling on their leashes and looking back at me like "Hurry up! There's so much pee to smell! Come on, come on!"

But man, was I moving slow...(not a morning person).

It took a bit but once I got going, I was fine...


However, if you have days where you feel sluggish like that ALL DAY, there IS something you can do about it.

And no, it's not a massive cup of coffee for the caffeine hit!

This is something that helps your body function more efficiently, recover more quickly and supports your natural energy levels...without jacking up your nervous system like caffeine.

It's called the Phoenix Formula and you can learn more about it here...

I've tested it myself and it works REALLY well.

You don't get a sharp brain jolt...just sustained energy, all day long.

Your mind is don't feel feel like you can DO things.

When I tested it, I noticed an immediate difference in how I felt during the day. I wasn't wired but I felt more awake and definitely more energetic.

And I wasn't exhausted at the end of the day...just relaxed. Had no trouble falling asleep.

This is really good stuff.

Bottom line, if you want sustained energy, forget the "5 Hour Energy" stuff (with the crash at the end)...THIS is what your body needs.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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