Subject: Time to "grill" a nutrition expert...

From Nick Nilsson
Author of BetterU News

Yep, it's grillin' time...I've got Patrick McGuire, the guy who
is so generously offering his personalized nutrition programs for
a VERY reduced price, all lined up to be grilled by me (and
indirectly you) tomorrow afternoon!

If you've got a burning nutrition question, now's your chance to
get it answered by a pro.

You can check out his program here:

And honestly, I just can't even tell you how important nutrition
is when it comes to getting maximum results from your training.
And yes, you certainly CAN get good results coming up with your
own nutrition plan...I figure why not enlist the aid of an expert
in the field, especially when right now he's apparently lost his
mind and is allowing me to offer his services for WAY cheap...

To give you an idea...he normally charges (and gets!) $500 for
one of these personalized programs...he's offering the digital
version to you right now for just $97...yeah, that's 80%
now you see what I'm talking about with the "way cheap" thing.

Anyway, here's the seminar info for tomorrow...

Title: Nutrition Teleseminar with Patrick McGuire
Time: Wednesday, March 10th at 3:00pm Eastern
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
To attend, visit:

You can go here to submit your questions all the way up to and
during the call. And please note, I'll be making the replay
recording available pretty much right away so don't worry if you
can't make it during the actual call time. Just make sure and
get your toughest questions for Patrick in because our goal here
is to make him cry...

Seriously though, consider this a job interview for Patrick. He
is a top nutrition professional who specializes in building
muscle and burning fat as well as performance athletics...and
this is your chance to get an idea of what he's all about to see
if you'd like to take advantage of his GREAT personalized
nutrition program offer.

See you on the call tomorrow!


P.S. Patrick also apologizes for the server trouble you might
have experienced yesterday! It's all fixed now and we should be
good to go.