Subject: Tick Tock Lateral Raises...weird but awesome for shoulders...

Yes, this one looks a bit odd, but dang does it work.

If you want to build wider shoulders, you need to work your lateral delts...and the lateral raise is the primary isolation exercise for doing it.

However, the lateral raise can be a tough exercise to really feel working strongly, especially because of the temptation to use too heavy a weight and add in too much body movement to get that weight moving.

That's where this variation comes into play. I call it a Tick Tock Lateral Raise because of the clock-like nature of the movement.

Instead of doing both arms at the same time (as you normally would), or even one arm at a time (which is still prone to cheating), you're going to do OPPOSING movements. In other words, while you're raising one arm, you'll be lowering the other.

This opposing action completely prevents any sort of body hitching or cheating because if you try to hitch one dumbbell up, it screws up the other side.

When you're trying this for the first time, start light.

Begin with both arms down.

Now do a lateral raise with your left arm. Come up until your upper arm is almost horizontal, while you maintain a small bend in your elbow (15-20 degrees or so).

Now as you lower the left one down, begin the raise with the right arm at the same rate of speed.

Continue raising until your right upper arm is almost horizontal. You'll see in the picture, the bend in the elbow means the forearm and dumbbell are higher than shoulder height...the key is to look at the position and location of the UPPER arm.

Now come down with the right and up with the left.

Do this in CONTINUOUS pause at the top or the bottom.

This will ensure constant tension on the lateral delts and ZERO body movement. And as weird as it looks, it will light up your side delts very effectively by taking all the extra movement out of the exercise.

You can watch the video of this exercise in action on my YouTube channel here (no talking, just the exercise :).


New Protein Powder Test and Review

I also just finished testing out a new protein powder...Orgain Clean Whey Protein.

Spoiler alert, I really like the stuff :)

It reminds me of that old Remington shaver ad when the guy says "I liked it so much, I bought the company."

I just posted the full video review (as well as written review) here.

In fact, I liked it so much, I may have stocked up on it, just a little bit.

If you'd like to try it, too, they're offering free shipping for the entire month of June.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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