Subject: Three BIG fat-burning training mistakes...

According to my friend and colleague Jason Klein (creator of the Bodyweight Surge fat-burning program), the winners are...

#1 - Isolation Exercises

I totally agree with this one. If you focus on stuff like kickbacks and leg extensions, you will NEVER achieve the fat burning results your body is truly capable of. You're simply not burning enough calories or elevating your metabolism.

To achieve maximum fat loss, you need to focus on "big" compound exercises and movements.

#2 - Jumping Exercises

Jump training is great if you're an athlete and need explosive power for your sport. However, for fat-loss, it's totally NOT necessary and can potentially lead to injury, especially if you're not accustomed to jumping and you're carrying extra weight.

Fat Burning Mistake #3. ---you'll have to click here to read what this one is.

The funny thing is I actually both agree and disagree with Jason on this one.

In having read though his program, I understand where he's coming from with it, yet it's a principle I actually use in my own fat-loss training to some degree.

It's really a matter of perspective and HOW you use this training principle that makes it either useful or useless.

Check out Fat-Burning mistake #3 here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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