Subject: This will LIGHT UP your side delts...

Got stubborn, narrow shoulders?

This version of the lateral raise will light up your side delts from multiple directions at the same time, with multiple forms of resistance and help you widen those up.

You're going to get direct vertical resistance from the dumbbells...then lateral resistance from the band, then diagonal resistance from the plate that the band is supporting.

This three-pronged attack hammers the side delts strongly.

To do this one, you'll need a pair of light dumbbells, a light barbell plate and a small band.

Click here for my recommended source for bands (use coupon code rbtfitstep for 10% off any band package).

First, put the band through the center hold of the plate. I'm using a 10 lb plate here.

Then loop the ends around the handles of the dumbbells. Loop them around the front ends of the handles.

This mimics the "pouring water" trick that you might be familiar with. THAT trick is tough on the shoulder joint but this forward offset loading of the dumbbells actually works even better by adding a backwards-rotational-tension component to the exercise (you don't need to know exactly why it works for it to work, FYI).

Essentially, as you're doing the exercise, the bands are trying to tilt the dumbbells forward and you have to exert backwards rotational force to keep them level. This helps with side delt activation over front delts.

Now get in position for the exercise.

Perform a lateral raise exactly as you normally would...unless you perform them wrong, of course.

As you raise the dumbbells and bring them out to the sides, the plate that is suspended in the center comes up as well adding that other dimension of tension.

Come all the way up and hold for a second.

Lower slowly and under control.

Here's the side view.

Be sure to use light weights for this one. Because of the multiple forms of resistance, this exercise is not about loading but about tension.

Aim for 2-3 sets of 6-10 reps.

This one, just like regular lateral raises, isn't for building strength in the shoulders but more about isolating and targeting selective growth in the lateral delts to make your shoulders look wider.

You can watch the full video of the exercise here.


Want More Multi-Resistance Exercises Like This?

Check out my book Hybrid Training.

This book will teach you how to combine bands, cables, chains and free weight to HAMMER your muscles in ways they've never experienced before.

Because of the targeted resistance patterns, each Hybrid set is worth 2-3 regular sets.

For real.

Check it out here (I just dropped the price WAY down on this one as well!).

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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