Subject: This will CRUSH your chest...(in a good way)

I guess I do kinda need to explain that a little bit better... :)

This is a KILLER training technique that will BLOW UP your chest by targeting literally EVERY muscle fiber type in your pecs in one extended set.

I call it a Range-of-Motion Triple Add Set.

You're going to use the same weight for all three parts, just adjusting the range of motion of the exercise to match what's needed to best target each major muscle fiber type (Type 1, Type 2a and Type 2b).

So essentially, you'll be hitting the ENTIRE muscle (all fibers) without hogging bunch of different weights and without taking any time at all to reload a bar.

This is a really cool technique that you DEFINITELY need to try.


One More Thing...

I also wanted to let you know that time is ticking down to pick up a copy of Ryan Huges "Muscle Matrix" program for $50 off the regular price.

As well, he's also throwing in a copy of a special report he put together called "Cover Model Secrets...Last Minute Behind-The-Scenes Strategies Fitness Models Use to Get Ripped Before a Shoot"

If you have any special events or anything else you want to look your best for, this is a great primer on how to maximize your condition in a very short period of time.

Learn more about the Muscle Matrix program here...

Video Presentation

Web Page

I still have the interview I did with Ryan a few days ago available for download here (MP3 file)

As well, here's the full detailed review I did of the Muscle Matrix program (helpful for learning exactly what it's all about).

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
where other programs fail.

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