Subject: This weird 2-exercise combo TRASHED my biceps...

Ironically enough, I wasn't even trying to come up with a new bicep workout and ended up with soreness I haven't experienced in years.

The two exercises are a massive stretch exercise and an amazing peak contraction exercise.

1. Swing Step Curls

2. Levered Goblet Bicep Squats

Levered Goblet Bicep Squats for an Incredible Bicep Contraction bottom

And I think doing a barbell curl variation in between the two would be the icing on the Positions of Flexion cake :).

For a workout, do 2-3 sets of the Swing Step Curls, 2-3 sets of a barbell curl and 2-3 sets of the Levered Squat.

Your biceps will hate me for it...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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