Subject: This weighted sit-up will CRUSH your core and won't hurt your lower back...

I call the exercise a Cable Anchored Dumbbell Sit-Up...and it is AWESOME.

So here's the deal...

Right now, I'm in the process of putting together a new book called "The Best Core Exercises You've Never Heard Of"...which I will be releasing VERY soon.


(Just fyi, if you're a lifetime member of my "Best Exercises" book club, you'll be getting your download link via email the moment it's ready. If you're not a member yet, I'll give you info on how you can join below).


I was looking through my archives for core exercises and THIS was one that jumped out at me. I had written it up about 7 years ago and had completely forgotten about it.

The instant I watched the video, I remembered it...[insert ominous music here]. Hoo boy, did I remember it.

The effect on my core was INCREDIBLE.

Now, the two main problems with the sit-up are that it strongly activates your hip flexors and also throws stress onto the lower back. A ton of bad press has been thrown at the sit-up and, for most people (especially those who do them incorrectly), they CAN be a bad exercise choice.

However, even with some problems like this, it doesn't mean the exercise/general movement is not useful. If you've got a good lower back and decent abs, you can actually do some excellent variations of the sit-up without any issues (I know this from experience!).

For this version, you'll need a low-pulley (to anchor yourself properly...NOT anchoring on the feet). You'll also need a straight bar or cambered bar attachment and a dumbbell. I'm using a 65 lb dumbbell here.

Set the dumbbell (standing on end is easier) about 6 feet away from the pulley and set the cable to a moderately heavy weight.

Sit on the floor in front of the pulley and brace your feet on the base of the machine as best you can.

Pull the handle forward and set in right across your waistline. Your knees will be bent.

THIS cable technique is what makes this version of the sit-up so useful...the cable pulls you towards the resist that with your legs...the quads, hams and glutes. This muscle activation takes much of the stress OFF the lower back and puts it on the abs.

So even when using a dumbbell for the sit-up, the resistance goes right where you want it.

Reach back and grab the dumbbell.

Hold it under the plates at arms-length above your body, like you were holding it for a pullover. This is the bottom position of the exercise.

Now do a sit-up, holding that dumbbell up and forward. If the dumbell is heavy, your arms may bend a bit - not a big deal for the overall effect of the exercise. If you can keep the arms straight, keep them straight. Come up as high as you can.

Remember, your entire lower body is locked into this movement by the cable so it's actually a VERY solid position for your core.

You'll notice as you come up, the dumbbell ends up in front of you...this places an additional demand on the core (if you've done Front Squats or my own Curl Squat exercise, you'll know what I mean).

Lower yourself back down under control, so you get the negative.

Combine the weighted sit-up with the locked-down lower body and holding the dumbbell a bit in front and you've got yourself a KILLER abdominal exercise.

Here's what it looks like in action...



The Best Exercises Lifetime Membership

Now, I had mentioned at the start of this email that I had a "lifetime membership" club for my Best Exercises books.

Basically what that means is that for a single one-time payment, you'll receive ALL my 13 current "Best Exercises" books and all NEW "Best Exercises" books that I come out with in the future, including my upcoming Core Exercise book, for no extra charge.

It's an INCREDIBLE getting a PhD in exercise insanity... ;).

Honestly, if you're a personal trainer or coach, looking for variety for your clients and/or athletes, this collection is a no-brainer.

To give you an idea of how much is going into this core book, I'm already at about 75 exercises and not even close to done.

Try that exercise above and see what you think...because there will be a LOT more just like it coming your way.

Grab your Lifetime Best Exercises Membership here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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