Subject: This stuff knocked my sore throat out overnight...

Dang, I hate that feeling...

Tired...rundown...dragging...feeling like you're on the verge of getting sick.

You feel that tickle in the back of your it's getting a little sore and you know something is trying to get you and you're just waiting for it to hit full power.

That feeling stinks.

I felt that last week.

Scratchy throat...eyes were starting to water. You know the drill.

You can feel it coming a mile away.

So I took one single scoop of THIS right before I went to bed...

And the next morning, all that garbage was GONE.

I was impressed.

I had gotten a container of this stuff from my friend, Jeremy, who owns the company that makes it, but I hadn't had a chance to test it out yet.

He said it was awesome...keeps his whole family from getting sick when the nasty bugs start flying around (he has little kids, so they come home from school with everything and share it generously :).

Since I work at home, I don't get exposed to most of the stuff that's going around, so I rarely get sick.

But last week, I was on the verge of it. I could feel it.

I thought "This is the perfect opportunity to test this Immunity stuff out...see if it's really as good as he says it is."

And I'll be honest, I'm skeptical of stuff like this.

I read his webpage that talks about this "weird purple tea from Africa"...

I had never heard of it before so I did a little research on it and it sounded promising.

The rest of the ingredients in the formula were good and I was familiar with all of them, but the purple tea was a new one for me.

You can see what's in it here:

And literally, after going to bed with the beginnings of a sore throat, I woke up the next morning and it was completely gone.

That had never happened before.

Usually when I feel something coming on, I take a bunch of Vitamin C and some zinc and it MIGHT feel a bit better in the morning, but it's never been gone.

I took a few more servings, just to make sure to knock it out fully, and never had the slightest feeling of it come back.

(I do have to say, even though I took it briefly and got an immune system boost, Jeremy said it's better to just keep taking it daily, so that you get some of the OTHER benefits this stuff offers, too, which you can read about on his site here.)

Bottom line, if you get exposed to lots of germs (i.e. you're out in public), or if you travel, or if you train hard (and get run down from it), definitely give this stuff a try.

You can take it daily for maximum benefit, or you can save it for when you feel you need an extra shot of immune system support (like I did).

Check it out here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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