Subject: This rep style gives INSANE Time Under Tension for growth...

If you want to build muscle, you need TUT (i.e. Time Under Tension). This is one of the primary ways to stimulate muscle growth.

So next time you hit the gym, try this rep style with a couple of your exercises.

1. Use this on an exercise like barbell bench press or curls. I wouldn't recommend it on deadlifts or squats as it's not well-suited to big exercises like that.

2. Perform 4 reps with a powerful, concentric contraction (the "up" phase)

3. Use a controlled 3-second eccentric (down phase).

4. On the last rep, on the way down you're going to stop at the mid-point of the exercise (e.g. 90 degrees at the elbow on a curl or the sticking point of the bench press, just above the chest) then perform a hard, isometric contraction for 10 seconds.

5. Lower the rest of the way then come back up to the mid-point and do another 10 second isometric contration.

6. Lower back down then come back up into that position and do another isometric hold for 10 seconds. Repeat this for 4 total holds.

7. Now do 4 more reps with a 3 second "up" phase and a 3 second "down" phase.


Word of advice...use a fairly light weight the first time you try this.

It takes ALL the momentum out of the exercise and forces your muscles under tension ridiculously well.

Now imagine doing this for EVERY muscle group in your body...this has MASSIVE growth potential.


Want more like this?

Check out "Ripped After 40"...a training program created specifically for men over 40 for...yes...getting RIPPED...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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