Subject: This pumps up your lower back like CRAZY...seriously crazy

Deficit Trap Bar Deadlift Drop is going to test you and it is going to push you.

It's going to push you to the limit of what your lower back, glutes and legs can tolerate in terms of dealing with lactate (a.k.a. lactic acid) build-up while still trying to continue functioning.

It's going to pump up your Spinal Erectors like crazy...they actually respond quite well to this type of training.

It's a fantastic metabolic conditioning training technique, ideal for fat loss training. Lactate accumulation in the muscles results in a drop in pH, which sets off a significant GH response in the body, which is a key hormone for fat loss.

In terms of athletic performance, it will also train your body's ability to buffer lactate and deal with the drop in pH that results in "seizing up" of the muscles and a loss of performance.

In other words, it's going to be miserable, from start to finish, but it works.

Instead of dropping the WEIGHT with this drop set, we're going to drop the HEIGHT of the risers, which decreases the range of motion. We'll start from a large-range deficit deadlift then continue dropping the height until we're lifting off the floor, in a regular range.


How To Do It:

To do this one, you'll need a couple of key pieces of equipment...a trap bar and a small square Step platform, with additional risers (or you could potentially use a stack of bumper plates as well).

I wouldn't recommend doing this one with a straight bar...the trap bar is much more effective for this because of how it places you directly inside the resistance.

Use a relatively light weight for this one...I've got 225 lbs on the bar.

Set the Step platform in the center of the trap bar. I've got 4 additional risers underneath it. The high handles of the trap bar should be even with the top of the platform. This is a similar position as you'd be in if you were lifting directly off the floor (for example like in a tire flip).

Now squat down and grab the handles. Make sure you get an arch into your lower back and brace your core before lifting.

Stand up.

Lower the bar under control and reset your body for the next rep. I don't recommend a "touch and go" style of rep. Taking a moment to reset ensures that you get into a good position for each rep.

Perform as many reps as you can until you get to the point a rep or two short of where your form would start to break down or you'd hit failure. Keep the do-or-die rep in you and don't do these reps fast.

The large range of motion will hit your entire posterior chain HARD.

When done, step off the platform then remove one of the risers.

Put the platform back on top. Then repeat.

The range of motion will be a little bit shorter, so you'll be able to get a few more reps. Doesn't mean your spinal erectors won't be screaming, though...

Take one more riser off then keep going.

You're not going to get a whole lot of reps even with light weight at this point. Remove a riser and continue.

Remove the last riser and keep going on just the platform.

Move the platform out of the way then get as many reps as you can, pulling from the floor. I got two.

By the time you're done, your lower back will be pumped up likely beyond anything you've ever felt before.

As long as you maintain good form and strive to keep an arch in your lower back, even the very large range of motion reps won't be an issue for your lower back.

Just make sure you don't push to the point where your form gets compromised due to lactate build-up and/or fatigue, just like you would with any other deadlift workout.

A word of advice...weight selection is key here. Use about 40% of your 1 RM for this one. We're not trying to develop deadlift strength with this's all about metabolic conditioning and cranking up the lactate.

This drop set took me about 3 minutes to get through.

I would recommend doing 1-3 drop sets with this one, taking at least 3-5 minutes rest in between each, if you're doing more than one. If you don't take enough time in between drop sets, your body will still be trying to metabolize a fair bit of the lacate that you generated from the first set(s) and your set won't be as effective.

As well, this technique will be even more effective if you do it on an empty stomach (no carbs at least 3-4 hours before). This will help to further enhance the GH response you get from it.

Watch the full video for it here.

Or click here to start right from the demo.


Want More Killer Workouts Like This?

You'll find them in my Metabolic Monsters book. It's packed with more than 70 truly insane workouts, just like this that will CRANK your metabolism while helping you keep all your muscle and strength.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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