Subject: This one is for everybody who's sick of me talking about muscle... ;)

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Ok, just a really quick one for you here as I know I was talking
your ear off all last week about my new program which shall not
here be named...

This one is actually about the "holy grail" of body
transformation which is burning fat and building muscle at the
SAME time. You'd THINK it would be tough to do but it actually
ISN'T...when you know what you're doing...

I wanted to mention this topic especially because I actually
interviewed/grilled fat-loss legend Tom Venuto about this very
subject a few months back and he's giving away that very
interview (and a TON more excellent information) on his website


We covered a lot of ground and I have to say, when I interview
people, I like to really focus on squeezing as much USABLE
information out of people as possible...basically sure that in
the time you spend listening you get stuff you can take to the
gym (and the kitchen) IMMEDIATELY.

And this interview scored big-time in that department. Tom and I
are both on the same page when it comes to this subject and
you're going to learn a LOT in this interview.



P.S. Tom has also published another new report that you'll get in
addition to that interview called "The End of Bulking." This is
VERY good stuff...information on how to gain muscle without
losing your abs, which is a very desirable goal but a challenge
to accomplish.

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