Subject: This "old school" technique builds incredible mass and strength...

The technique is one you might be familiar with already but never really knew how to effectively incorporate into your training.

It can help you build more mass.

It can help you build INCREDIBLE strength.

And it can help you do it with DECREASED risk of injury.

What is this killer technique?

It's Isometrics.

Now, I fully realize isometrics aren't new or groundbreaking...however, sometimes we need to look to the past to make a big step forward in our current training.

I've done some isometric work in the past and loved it. In fact, one of the absolute BEST things I ever did to build my biceps was a single set of Flexed Arm Hangs (isometrics) at the end of every single workout. I did that for months and my arms grew like weeds.

Then I let isometrics go for a long time...a VERY long time, in fact (and I shouldn't have).

I "rediscovered" isometrics based on a nudge from reading this book... "Isometrics Mass" by Alby Gonazalez, and I've actually started experimenting a lot more with isometrics again myself.

Alby has put together a nice program based on a very specific 8-second isometric technique that you incorporate into your training (he gives you a full outline of the entire program and how it all fits together to build mass)..

This technique helps you activate more muscles fibers so that you can DAMAGE more muscle fibers so that you can GROW more muscle fibers.

You can read more about Isometrics Mass here.

I'm developing a greater and greater appreciation for isometric training and the potential it has for building mass and strength. It's absolutely worth exploring.

If you've never tried isometric training (or even if you have), Isometrics Mass is a great place to start.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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