Subject: This muscle-building video will crack you up...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

I just got off the phone with my buddy Elliott Hulse, who is a
trainer and gym owner (and who is a freaking HUGE strongman
competitor, btw). Elliott just gave me a link a video that
contains some pretty WEIRD and embarrassing moments. ------<<< Funny Video

Between you and me, this is one of the funniest videos I have
ever seen about building muscle and burning fat :)

I think you're gonna be shocked!

Not only does Elliott and his buddy Mike Westerdal swallow their
pride and expose themselves for you, me and the rest of the world
to laugh and sneer at...

They also put forward some very effective strength training
tactics that caused them to build lean (fat free) muscle at a
ridiculously rapid rate.

The truth is that Elliott and Mike are still a little hesitant
about showing us this video, but they promised me that it will at
least be available until tomorrow.

Check it out here:


P.S. I've got a couple of good articles from them that I'll post
up tomorrow, too, but definitely check out the video. Good info
and dang funny.