Subject: This love handle exercise is making yours WORSE...

I don't know too many people who love their love handles...

And I can't tell you how many people I see doing various forms of side bends to try and tighten up the area.

Here's the problem with that...


Side bends with weights will make your love handles BIGGER and make them look WORSE.

Direct loaded resistance on the obliques (which are the muscles underneath the love handles) done in a side bend exercise will cause hypertrophy in the those muscles...

Hypertrophy as in muscle growth...

As in it will push your love handles further out and make them stick out more!

If you want an exercise that TIGHTENS the muscles under the love handles, try this one.

It's very simple... you don't even have to move while doing it (it's isometric)... and it actually accomplishes what you're trying to accomplish.


Want MORE waist tightening exercises like this?

These are exercises you can do with basically no equipment, pretty much anywhere...even lying in bed, if you want.

They're unique and very effective, created by a world-renowned physical therapist specifically to flatten the stomach by targeting the deep muscles of the core.

You can check them out here...

These exercises might seem easy...and you might think that means they're not going to do the trick.

However, when you really activate and work these muscles properly, the results are immediate and, to be frank, astonishing.

Learn more about these unique stomach-flattening exercises here...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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