Subject: This kettlebell exercise replaces every cardio machine in the gym...

This is a KILLER exercise if you're short on can also use it in place of any cardio machine in the gym.

The Kettlebell Swing is a great exercise for the entire posterior chain (the muscles running down the back of the body) glaring weakness, however, is the lack of substantial quadricep involvement.

The Goblet Squat is a great exercise for the quads, core, and upper back...

So now we're going to combine BOTH exercises onto one movement, resulting in a fantastic exercise that hits basically your entire lower body and a good portion of your upper as well.

It's excellent for high rep/cardio-style training and for heavier, lower-rep training as well.

You'll need a kettlebell for this one. The first part of the exercise is a standard one-arm kettlebell swing.

Swing the kettlebell back.

Then snap the hips forward to get the kettlebell swinging forward and up.

As the kettlebell swings to the top, bring it in towards your chest and catch the "bell" part in your free hand, holding it in your palm.

Now do a goblet squat in that position.

Come back up, then move the kettlebell away from your body and swing it back down. Then repeat.

There are two versions of this exercise. In the first version, you separate each exercise into distinct phases. Swing the kettlebell up and catch it. Stop. Then squat down and come back up. Stop. Then swing the kettlebell back down and repeat.

You can also perform it as a smooth transition, swinging the kettlebell up and going directly into the squat the moment you catch it, come down then come back up and immediately start the downswing.

It's tough to describe in pictures, so I would HIGHLY recommend you watch the video of both methods in action.

This combination exercise works a MASSIVE amount of muscle mass, making it perfect for cardio training and very effective for building strength and power as well (when using heavier loads).

The goblet squat is a fantastic exercise for the anterior core (specifically the anti-flexion or "support" function), while the swing is one of the best exercises you can do for the lower back, making the combination of the two a perfect complement to each other.

You'll get a powerful near-total-body workout with this one!

Watch the video of this one in action here...

Enjoy! Definitely let me know how you like it if you try it!

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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