Subject: This is 21 days, build muscle WITHOUT gaining fat...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

And the reason I know it's real is because I've DONE exactly muscle gain without fat gain.

So I'm going to just jump right into this without any preamble
about what building muscle without gaining fat will do for KNOW exactly what it'll do for you...

Got no patience? Here's a quick link to the 21 Day Fast Mass Program for $60 off:

Extremely fast and uncommon results like this can only be
accomplished using very targeted cycling of diet and training. A
few days ago, I posted a story about how I used this type of
training and eating to gain 25 lbs of bodyweight in just a WEEK.

Essentially, you pull back on your body by dieting hard and
training for fat loss then you pull the trigger and purposefully
hit your body with rebound weight gain by overloading with food,
water and muscle-building targeted training.

It's a KILLER concept I've been using for years and which I've
used in my own Muscle Explosion and Metabolic Surge programs. I
actually read about this type of approach myself in the magazine
Muscle Media (you might be familiar with the ABCDE program) quite
a few years back.

Now here's the cool friends and colleagues Vince
DelMonte and Lee Hayward have put together an extremely
comprehensive version of this style of diet and training cycling
program that I wanted to let you know about.

I just finished reading through the full program a few minutes
ago and I have to say, they've done a tremendous job with it.
Having utilized this style of training fairly regularly over the
past 15 years, I can tell just by looking at what they've put
together, it's going to be effective stuff.

Granted, there are some things in the program I don't agree with
(there are some exercise selections I would actually not
recommend such as upright rows and behind-the-beck presses), but
overall it's very nicely put together, effective stuff.

I think one of the best things about what they've included in
their full package is the detailed nutrition program.

As you probably know, nutrition is a HUGE part of the equation
when it comes to results in both muscle building and fat loss.
Lee and Vince have put together a nice diet plan that you can use
to really maximize your results with this training and eating

You can pick up this book for a special launch price of $60 off
until Thursday at midnight:


I can definitely vouch for Lee and Vince as muscle-building pros.
I've known both of them for years and they definitely know what
they're doing. This program is good stuff.



Because I've got a very similar program to this (my Muscle
Explosion program uses this same cycling concept), I want to give
you the opportunity to compare BOTH programs, side-by-side.

If you pick up Lee and Vince's program using any of the tracking
links in this email (and ONLY the links in this email - this is
critical), I will send you a complimentary copy of my own Muscle
Explosion program so you can SEE exactly how the two programs
compare. And if you already have the Muscle Explosion program,
you can also choose to grab The Best Mass Exercises You've Never
Heard Of instead.

Just purchase their program then forward your receipt (and your
book choice - one or the other) to, and my
customer support manager Nichole will get a download link over to
you asap!


I'll give you a hint on how these programs compare...Lee and
Vince's program is actually a better one for more beginner to
intermediate trainers. Muscle Explosion is an advanced program
that uses even more strict and specialized nutrition techniques
and more brutal training to set off explosive gains in mass AND
especially strength. Advanced trainers will benefit more from
that program.

This is a full-on muscle-building BONANZA...and you know, I don't
think I've ever written that word in an email before but it
totally applies;)

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