Subject: This is MADNESS...(Exponential Drop Sets)

At it's simplest, a Drop Set is when you do a "normal" set then reduce the weight and immediately continue with the set at that reduced weight in order to push the target muscle harder. You've probably seen it done as Triple Drop Sets.

Personally, I've used Triple Drop Sets in the past...and I don't much like them.

While they work well for some people, I found they simply overloaded my nervous system without giving me the results in muscle mass I was looking for. I was simply beating down my system and not seeing the payoff.

That's where THIS drop set framework comes in....

And yes, it's still a monster beat-down but it gives you MASSIVE results for the effort you put in (and trust me, you will put in a LOT of effort).

With this Exponential Drop Set technique, you're going to target literally EVERY available muscle fiber and muscle fiber type in the target bodypart(s) in one set.

This means maximum growth stimulation in all three major muscle fibers types (I, IIa, IIb), excellent strength stimulus (from the low reps) and endurance stimulus (from the high reps)....all in one set.

I think you're going to love/hate it...check out Exponential Drop Sets here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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