Subject: This helps you stress less, sleep better, and f--- better...

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Yep, this will really help you feel better...

What did you think I was going to say...


And what is it that helps you with all of these things?


And while taking SOME form of magnesium is better than taking nothing at all, when you take a wider spectrum of magnesium forms, you will see much greater benefits overall, such as...

  • Improved sleep
  • Improved brain function
  • Increased testosterone levels and muscle growth
  • Improved bone strength by helping to pull calcium out of the blood and tissues and back into your bones.
  • Improved insulin sensitivity so that you better utilize the carbs you eat
  • Lowering of your cortisol levels by assisting in the metabolism of it
  • Decreased symptoms of ADHD and hyperactivity
  • Helps control belly fat (this sounds hypey but it is a real effect of magnesium, via management of cortisol, metabolic syndrome and chronic inflammation)


The main reason I personally started taking magnesium years ago was actually for an immediate increase in STRENGTH...

I first read about the importance of magnesium for strength in a magazine article written by legendary strength coach, Charles Poliquin, about 25 years ago.

In the article, Poliquin said one of the first things he did with his strength athletes was get them supplementing with magnesium.

And their strength would jump about 5% within just a few days...and this is in ALREADY strong athletes.

So if you can bench 300 lbs today...two days from now, you can bench 315 lbs. Or if you deadlift 500, now you deadlift 525.

That's not a small amount to improve with just a simple mineral supplement.


And that's where a supplement called Magnesium Breakthrough comes in...

I've been talking about this one for a few days now. It has SEVEN forms of magnesium in the formula.

You may actually be tired of hearing about it.

But I honestly can't stress enough how important taking supplemental magnesium is for your overall health and training performance...especially your health.

It's really tough to get enough magnesium through diet alone just in general...and you'll never be able to get enough of all 7 of these forms via food.

This is BY FAR the best magnesium supplement I've ever used and getting enough magnesium is just so critically important.

Last Tuesday, I ordered 30 bottles of this stuff, because they're having a great promotion...I'm getting a bunch of their other supplements as a free bonus along with the magnesium.


Today is your LAST chance for an incredible deal...

When you buy Magnesium Breakthrough through any of the links in my emails (through midnight tonight), in addition to the discounts and the bonuses they're giving you, I'll give you any one, two or three of my books for free.

This is how much I want you to try this stuff. I'm not messing around here.

  • If you buy one bottle, I'll give you one book.
  • If you buy the three bottle package, I'll give you two books.
  • If you buy the six bottle package, I'll give you three books.

Just forward your email receipt to with your book(s) request and we'll get it set up for you.

You can see my full line-up of books on this page here.

This includes everything from Metabolic Monsters to Metamorphosis to Muscle Explosion and any of my Best Exercises books.

*** And heck, if you get the six bottle package, and you prefer it, I'll even hook you up with my entire Lifetime Best Exercises All Access All- Book package ($275 value).

Magnesium Breakthrough is a product that can really help you stress less, sleep better and yes...feel better...;).

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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