Subject: This fruit helps you burn fat even when eaten at night (try it tonight)

I'm picking cherries as my #1 fruit for fat loss (see what I did there...cherry picking... ;)

Cherries have the LOWEST glycemic index of all fruits, and one of the lowest glycemic indexes of any carbohydrate source—period.

Scoring at an extremely low 22, you can even snack on cherries as a light night snack without any problem as their effect on insulin is minimal at best...and when inuslin is stable, your body has a much easier time using bodyfat for energy.

So next time you're in the mood for a sweet snack, go grab a small bowl of cherries and enjoy without guilt.

Now, in addition to cherries, there are 5 other specific fruits that can accelerate your fat loss if you eat them regularly.

This free report that shows you exactly which 5 fruits will help you burn fat.  You can grab that here...

==> The Top 5 Fruits for FAST Weight Loss


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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