Subject: This food is surprisingly GOOD for fat loss...

When you think about food for fat loss, I'll bet it conjures up images of plain chicken breasts, broccoli and rice cakes.

Boring stuff, right?

How about THIS instead...

Yeah, just a little bit better.

Now, the reason you see page numbers beside all of these foods is that these recipes are part of a new fat-loss recipe book called "APPETITE - The Top 100 Delicious Fat-Burning Recipes."

I'll be straight up honest with you... I know next to nothing about "real" cooking and following recipes. I'm more of an "eater"... :).

However, if YOU are somebody who enjoys cooking and having delicious, healthy recipes for fat-burning that your whole family can enjoy, this book is going to be right up your alley.

Learn more about APPETITE here...(and just fyi, the special launch price is dirt cheap right now)

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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