Subject: This exercise will wreck your core for days... a good way (you know I'm not kidding).

This is a monstrous, highly-efficient exercise for targeting the deep core muscles very strongly...the obliques and the transversus.

One of the primary functions of these muscles is known as anti-rotation...which, to put it simply, is resisting rotation in the torso.

Many exercises you see being done for these muscles involve some form of rotation. In our case, we're going to be using those muscles to FIGHT rotation, keeping the torso exactly as it is.

To do this one, you'll need a flat bench and a pair of dumbbells. I'm using a pair of 40 lb dumbbells and, to be honest, I should have gone a bit lighter (I forgot how tough this exercise is!).

Now, instead of lying down with your body on the bench as you normally would, you will only have your upper back on the bench. Your lower back and hips will be completely off the bench.

This is necessary as it allows you to drop your hips and use your legs to contribute to anchor the anti-rotation from the lower end. If your lying on the bench as you normally would, it doesn't allow your legs and glutes to provide much, if any help during the movement.

And that means you will fall over if you use anything heavier than 10 lb dumbbells. We're looking to challenge those deep core muscles, not tickle them.

Get in position on the bench and hold the two dumbbells in a neutral grip, pressed together. We're going to KEEP them pressed together for the duration of the exercise.

Now, lower the dumbbells to your right side.

Your right arm will bend about 90 degrees at the bottom, similar to a dumbbell press, while your left arm stays relatively straight (a slight bend is good).

IMPORTANT: DO NOT let your shoulders or hips rotate to the side as well...just your arms.

We want to do everything we can to keep the body as straight as it was at the start of the movement. Some degree of rotation is allowable and expected but the idea is to minimize that and keep as a neutral a spine as you can, letting those deep muscles absorb the torque.

Now...and this is important...pause briefly at the bottom. Hold your breath in this position to help stabilize the abdominal area. This will only be for a second or two.

Now bring the dumbbells back up, using a PUSHING movement with your right arm and a PULLING movement with your left arm. Think of it as a dumbbell press and a rear delt lateral raise combination.

Keep the dumbbells pressed together. Your pushing side will contribute more to the movement but keep applying force with the pulling side as well.

I will be honest with you...this exercise is TOUGH, especially once you start moving relatively heavier weights.

Come all the way up to the top.

Now come down to the other side in the same fashion. Adjust your foot position, if necessary, to provide leverage for the movement. Your body will naturally find the best place to set them to compensate for the resistance pattern.

Then come back up, pushing with the left side and pushing with the right side.

Come all the way to the top then repeat.

Aim for 4-6 reps in each direction for this one and 2 to 3 sets in total.

Start with a light weight to get the idea of how this one feels and what you feel your deep core muscles are capable of, then progress upwards from there.

I would also recommend you do this one AFTER any other exercises that require core strength or stability. It's going to wreck your core for those if you do these first.

You can watch the full video here.

Or click here to start right at the exercise demo.


I've got 6 more awesome core exercises for you here, too!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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