Subject: This exercise builds CRAZY core strength and power...

...and we're going HEAVY with it.

Dumbbell Crawling is one of THE single best core exercises I've ever used. It's literally off-the-charts effective for developing deep core strength and power.

The exercise itself is very simple...crawl...with dumbbells in your hands.

The first time you perform this exercise, start a lot lighter than what I'm going to show you here. This version is VERY heavy Dumbbell Crawling.

Here's a link to my original article on Dumbbell Crawling. This will give you a full rundown on how to perform the exercise and the amazing benefits it has to offer for you.

Bottom's awesome and will develop functional core strength and power like nothing else.

This version uses VERY heavy weight (I'm using a pair of 125 lb dumbells) in order to really challenge your core, once you get stronger and more advanced with the exercise (and I definitely DO recommend pushing your limits, once you get an idea of how this one is done).

When going this heavy, I only recommend moving forwards, not backwards. When using lighter weight, moving backwards can be very effective, however with extremely heavy weight, trying to move backwards will just result in you sliding the dumbbell. You won't be able to get enough leverage to get the dumbbell off the floor due to the location of your center of balance.

Set the dumbbells at the end of your "track" and squat down, gripping the handles of the dumbbells.

Now start crawling...

Lift the right dumbbell and step forward with your left leg. The idea is to have opposing points of contact with the ground, to put cross-tension through the core. Your right foot and left dumbbell will be supporting your weight.

Complete the step forward.

Now lift the left dumbbell and step it forward while picking up and moving your right foot forward.

Repeat the process and continue crawling down the floor. It takes a bit of practice to get the coordination, so definitely watch the video and practice with lighter weight before moving up to higher resistances.

This one will feel like it's ripping you in a good way (yes, there is such a thing!).

The massive torque running through the deep muscles of your core is incredible. I was extremely sore for several days after this one...and it takes a LOT for my core to get sore.

Just to be clear, soreness is just a side effect, not the goal! The goal is core strength and power...and this exercise DELIVERS.

To really "get" this exercise, you need to watch the video for it. Still pictures don't really convey the movement pattern as well as video.

If you do try this one heavy, let me know how you like it. For me, it's literally one of my favorite exercises just in general...not only for core but for EVERYTHING. It's that good.

Here's the link again to the video - be sure and subscribe to my channel, too, if you haven't already.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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