Subject: This exercise SEEMS just wrong...but builds shoulders like crazy...

The delts thrive on constant tension.

Yet a lot of the shoulder training you see in the gym consists of a lot of throwing around of weights without control.

Granted, there is definitely a time and place for power training and explosive overhead pressing. I'm not arguing that.

What IS needed, though, is shoulder training that takes all momentum OUT of the movement, focusing on that constant, highly-targeted muscle tension.

I'll tell you right up front, I RARELY recommend purposefully slow movements. Most of the time, I recommend accelerating the weight into the contraction to maximize force development in the muscles.

However, in this case, we're doing the complete opposite of that and purposefully slowing down what would normally be a very powerful and explosive movement...the hang clean and press.

This one is not about building strength in the's about building muscle mass via constant tension and loading on the deltoid muscles, WITHOUT using any momentum at all. It's very similar in concept to a Cuban Press, if you're familiar with that exercise.

You'll need a bar for this (probably empty or with very light weight). This exercise should not be done heavy.

The first half of it is going to LOOK very much like a Reverse Curl, however the goal IS not to do a Reverse Curl. Do your best to shift the tension into the shoulders as you bring the bar up, moving the bar via external (backwards) rotation at the shoulders rather than bending the elbows.

To do this, imagine TRYING to keep your elbows locked into the slightly bent position. Elbow position WILL change due to the changing position of the bar, but the goal is TRY and keep the elbows locked. This is what takes the brachialis out of the movement and shifts more tension onto the shoulders.

Try to transcribe a wide arc as you come up, keeping the bar away from your body as much as possible. This will also help to shift tension onto the delts.

As you can to the top half of the movement, bring the bar to your upper chest. The elbows WILL bend more at this won't have a choice then. Still try and keep the focus of the tension of the movement on the shoulders, though.

DO NOT release tension in the shoulders by resting the bar on the upper chest. Keep the bar just slightly above it. Go directly into the overhead press.

Lower the bar back down to just above your upper chest.

Then bring the bar back around and down, reversing the movement you started with. Again, transcribe a wide arc on this phase and do it completely under control, maintaining muscle tension.

Come all the way back down to the bottom.

You can release tension in the shoulders at this point OR you can stop just short of the bottom position, reverse direction and go again.

The key things to remember with this exercise are...

1. Slow movement
2. Light weight
3. Wide arc on the bottom half.

This can be used either as a shoulder warm-up (as the Cuban Press often is) or as a finisher (which I prefer because of how it burns out the delt muscles).

Check out the full video of this exercise in action here...


Want More Unique Shoulder Training Like This?

I've got a book full of exercises like this called "The Best Shoulder Exercises You've Never Heard Of"

This book has 76 killer shoulder exercises in it that will build mass on even the most stubborn set of shoulders.

Check out the four sample exercises here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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