Subject: This cool 30-second trick will get you a flatter stomach...

Wait, only 30 seconds? Come on man, how
gullible to do you think I am?

I know that's what you're thinking…it sounds like another
big fat lie just to get people's attention…but trust me, it isn't.

I'll explain in a second, but first, I want to tell you how NOT to
get a flatter stomach.

Learn About the 30-Second Trick for a Flatter Stomach

I have a friend named Jessica. She's in her mid 40's, a mom,
and works out all the time. She belongs to FIVE different boot
camp workout classes in town. Every day is something new.

The problem is, she never seems to lose weight.

I pleaded with her to give up a few classes, so her body
could rest and recover, but it basically went in one ear and
out the other.

Just the other day, she told me about a 60 minute "abs"
class that she just started. WHAT? 60 minutes? What the
heck are you doing for a full hour, I asked?

It turns out, a lot of crunches, sit-ups, flutter kicks and planks,
among other things.

Talk about a waste of time.

The truth is, you can get a flatter stomach (and even improve
your back pain) in just 30 seconds, when you know this very
simple, very effective trick.

Click Here to Get a Flatter Stomach in Just 30 Seconds -- Videos Included

And here's a's not about fat loss.

You'll use scientifically-designed, easy exercises (that you
can literally do ANYWHERE) in such a strategic way that it
forces the muscles UNDERNEATH your stomach fat to
tighten up.

This is the trick that makes your stomach flatter, even if you
never lose a pound.

This is some of the simplest and most POWERFUL stuff I've
ever come up's very effective and literally takes just a
few seconds to do.

Find out how this simple "no sweat" trick can get YOU a flatter
stomach in just 30 seconds

It's perfect to add in throughout your day, whether you're at
work, in the car, watching TV, or at your kid's soccer game.
They're easy, convenient, and most important of all...they
produce results.

And yeah, I just worked my abs while writing this...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
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