Subject: This builds INSANE deep core strength and power...

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I call it Dumbbell Crawling and it's one of THE single best deep core exercises you'll ever do.

It builds INSANE deep core strength.

This helps with heavy exercises like squats and deadlifts.

It's also one of the best athletic exercises you can do because it helps your core transfer force from the legs through to the upper body (which is key to almost every single sport on the planet).

In this pic below, I'm using a pair of 125 lb dumbbells for the exercise.

I was afraid to sneeze for 3 days because of this core exercise...

If that sounds like fun to you, you're going to love this one :). don't have to destroy your core with heavy weights to get the benefits of this one!

If you'd like to start a bit easier on it, I've got the full rundown on how to do these with lighter weight here.

This exercise is a fantastic finisher for a workout...(and definitely use it at the end because your core will be jello and won't be much good for any heavy lifting after that).

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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