Subject: This 6-Pack Abs exercise is nightmare fuel...(in a good way)

This one is absolute non-stop MURDER on the six-pack abs (the rectus abdominis).

You're going to be performing weighted crunches over a full range of motion (full stretch to full contraction) while also performing a dumbbell bench press at the same time.

It sounds very strange...and that's because it is.

It works GREAT, however, and if you're looking to get more development in your six-pack abs so they "pop" even at higher bodyfat levels, this is the perfect exercise to do it with.

You'll need a power rack or Smith machine, a flat bench and a pair of light dumbbells. I'm using 30' really don't need much weight at all for this, since it's more of a continuous-tension, full range-of-motion type of exercise rather than a heavy load exercise.

I've demonstrated a similar exercise to this one before, using heavier dumbbells and focusing on the press. In that one, you hold your upper body flat and steady and work your abs isometrically as you press. This one is a bit different's all about the abs.

Getting the position of the bench and bar exactly right will take a little experimenting. You can do this without the dumbbbells.

Set the bench halfway inside the rack, set the rails of the rack about 1.5 to 2 feet above the bench, set a bar on it and put some weight on it (I've got 135 lbs on it...doesn't have to be too heavy). Grab your dumbbells and sit on the bench. Shift yourself forward on the bench until your close in to the bar.

Get your feet up on the bench and brace your thighs against the underside of the bar.

Lie back, bringing the dumbbells up and back into the bench press position as you do so.

This is where bench position is critical. When you lie back, your upper back should be hanging off the end of the bench. The end of the bench should hit you just below or on the bottom portion of the shoulder blades.

Now it gets nasty...

Wrap your upper back around the end of the bench, coming down into the bottom of a fully stretched crunch. Bring the dumbbells into the bottom of the press position (this is like a decline bench press position here).

Your thighs are braced solidly under the bar and locked in.

Now crunch up...and as you do so, press up at the same time.

Come all the way up, as high as you can, pressing the dumbbells to full lockout as you do so. The contraction you will get on your six-pack abs here is intense.

Come back down into the bottom position and repeat.

Perform this one slowly and under complete control. We're looking for tension here and, because of the locked-in position, you will really have no choice.

When you finish as many crunches like this as you can, you can continue the set by switching back to the "iso press" version...keeping the torso horizontal and just pressing, while contracting the abs isometrically.

When either your chest or your abs give out, you're done.

Sit back up then set the dumbbells down.

I recommend sets of 6-10 reps with this (of the crunch part). Rest about 60-90 seconds then repeat for 2-3 sets. It's a great finisher for a workout to torch your six-pack abs.

Because the weight is so light, this one isn't going to really do much for your'll give you a nice pump in it but the primary focus is the abs.


I've Got 6 More Insane Core Exercises Like This For You Here:


Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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