Subject: Think you can handle this ab exercise? It's merciless...

If you want eye-catching six-pack abs that POP, you need to work your abs with RESISTANCE...

...hundreds and thousands of crunches simply will NOT give you the results you're looking for.

This exercise...which I call the Bench-End Leg-Raise Cable Crunch...will.

It takes the concept of resistance training for the abs to a whole new level of tension. I'll tell you right up front, it's flat-out MERCILESS and will push the limits of your pain tolerance.

And it also flat-out WORKS.

This exercise is all about the Rectus Abdominis...we're not targeting core strength or stability with this one. This is for developing your six-pack abs.

To do this one, you'll need a flat bench and a cable (with bar attachment) or band (a bit trickier to perform with the band but still doable).

Set the bench right up against the pole of the pulley machine. If you can, set the pulley to a height just above the level of the bench. If you can't adjust height, just use the low pulley.

Use a moderate weight on the will take a bit of experimenting to get the right load. You don't want to go too light so it compromises balance and you don't want to go too heavy so it shortens range of motion on the crunch part.

If you're using a band, hitch it to a solid object a few feet up, then grip the end.

Lie back on the bench, then reach back and grab the handle.

Now slide yourself down the bench until your entire butt is hanging off the end of the bench. Your waistband should be just off the end of the bench.

This position puts you into spinal extension, which puts a stretch on the rectus abdominis (a position they're RARELY in when under tension).

Pull the handle down until it's just above your face (arms bent 90 degrees), then lift your feet off the floor.

At this point, you're ALREADY getting massive tension in the six-pack, just from the opposing forces of the cable weight stack and your entire lower body hanging off the end of the bench.

Now the fun begins...

Perform a leg/knee raise movement. I like to keep the knees bent when doing this one as I find it easier on the lower back.

Because you're starting in spinal extension and your lower back on the end of the bench is the pivot point, this movement is SPINAL flexion, not hip flexion (which most leg raise movements tend to be). And spinal flexion is the primary function of the rectus abdominis.

Continue the leg raise all the way up until just your upper back is on the bench.

Now THRUST your feet up, as though you're trying to put footprints on the ceiling.

Hold there for a second then reverse the movement, coming back from the thrust, then bring your lower back down onto the bench.

And remember...this ENTIRE exercise is under constant tension from the pulley you're holding!

Now it gets worse...

Lower your legs down until your butt comes down below the bench again, so you get that spinal extension and your back "wrapping" around the end of the bench.

That wrapping is going to "hook" your body onto the end of the bench so that when you do the NEXT part of the exercise, you don't go sliding up the bench.

And that next part is a cable crunch.

Squeeze the abs HARD as you come up into the crunch...the "anchor" is now the lower end of the abs with the movement originating from the upper end. This is the reverse of the leg raise and works the fibers in a different manner.

Hold for a second at the top, then lie back down and repeat...for as many reps as you can stand.

(not kidding about that...the lactate build-up you get from this exercise is insane).

The movement itself should be very segmented and done under complete control the whole way through (which you'll see in the video). There should be NO momentum at any point.

Bottom line, if you want a set of six-pack abs that POP...and you're ready to push yourself to the limit...give this exercise a try. It will light up your abs like nothing you've ever experienced.

Want to see this on video? Check it out on my YouTube channel here...

Want MORE insane abdominal exercises like this?

You know I've got them...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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