Subject: These CEREALS destroy your hormones, crush your energy & cause weight gain (plus healthier alternatives)

Now, I'm sure you already know to avoid the obvious sugary
cereals like the flakes with sugar frosting, the fruity sugar
cereals with artificial colors, the frosted wheat biscuits, or
the marshmallow cereals that so many parents are
poisoning their kids with these days.

That stuff is garbage...and it makes me cringe when I see
parents putting that junk in their grocery carts at the store...
sing it with me...Frosted Lucky Charms...Now You're Diabetic!

However, even most breakfast cereals that AREN'T frosted
in sugar are marketed heavily as "heart healthy", "rich in
fiber", and "a good source vitamins & minerals", like
those beloved bran flakes...

Unfortunately, that's pretty much BS.

According to our guest Nutritionist who's studied the
biochemistry of nutrition for over 25 years, and how certain
foods affect the cells of your body, there are at least 10
important reasons to be extremely concerned about what
cereals are doing inside your body. 

Today's short article will touch on a few of the important
warnings about cereal...

> These cereals destroy your hormones, cause weight
gain & kill your energy levels
(they may even contribute
to Diabetes)

And yep, this even includes those so-called "healthy bran flakes". 

Today's article also shows you 2 incredibly healthy and FAST
breakfast alternatives that are MUCH better for your health,
your blood sugar and your waistline!

See what those 2 healthy breakfast options are here...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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