Subject: The ugly TRUTH about "bulking and cutting" to build muscle...

Is your goal to build as much lean muscle mass as possible without getting fat?

If so, the old "bulking and cutting" approach is definitely NOT the way you want go.

I've been there...

Heck, I bulked up to 230 lbs once and I'll never do it again.

It was great to feel big and strong at that weight, but the health effects were awful and I carried a LOT of extra fat.

And honestly, it really doesn't look good, either.

The whole "bulk and cut" approach began years ago when junk food wasn't as readily available... bodybuilders would get big eating lots of GOOD QUALITY food.

So the gains they made were much "better" gains than you'll see by using the dirty bulking methods you'll often see today (which is often just an excuse to eat a lot of garbage food in the name of getting plenty of calories).


Fat Cell Hyperplasia Makes It Easier To Get Fatter...

Gaining a lot of fat when bulking up is a terrible idea and I'll tell you why.

Your fat cells are like balloons...they expand in size as they store fat...but only up to a certain point.

Fat cells, like balloons, have their limit, and at that limit, fat cells DIVIDE to form NEW fat cells.

So yes, that means when you put on too much fat, you end up with MORE FAT CELLS than before.

And those new fat cells don't go away when you lose the extra fat...they just sit there, waiting for their opportunity to store fat again.

So the more you bulk and cut, the harder and harder it becomes to lose fat and the easier it becomes to gain fat.

It's vicious circle.


The Targeted Approach to Building Quality Muscle

I've refined my approach tremendously since the days when I would bulk up heedless of fat gain. Now I focus on building quality mass rather than just gaining weight at all costs.

I use much shorter periods of increased caloric intake (not months at a time...weeks at the most) and never EVER allow myself to get to the point where I can't see something of a six-pack in my abs.

That's why when I met Frank Rich, I knew we were on the same page.

After talking with him, I realized his approach was very similar in concept to my own big "bulk and cut" stuff...just strategic, focused mass building using intelligently structured training.

He calls his approach Precision Hypertrophy Principles (PHP) and he's put together an entire 12-week program/system that takes you step-by-step through the process of building quality muscle WITHOUT gaining fat.

The program is called Massthetic Muscle and I think it's a REALLY good one.

I've gone through all the material and I actually learned quite a bit from Frank in it. Because honestly, even though I've been at this more than 33 years, I'm always learning and I'm always looking out for stuff like this.


Who Should Use This Program?

What I like about this approach is that it's good for just about everybody who is looking to build muscle while keeping fat in check.

It's not a total-beginner type of will be better if you've got some decent training background already (intermediate to advanced level).

As well, it is a 12 week program, so if you're looking for a quick fix program, this isn't it.

The 3 primary phases of the program work synergistically...meaning each phase sets up the next while the next one builds on the previous one, so you definitely want to go through everything in order.

This isn't something you'll get the most out of if you tend to jump in and out of programs.

And while this program is primarily designed with men in mind, women could absolutely use it to build muscle as well.

You will also need access to standard gym equipment...nothing too crazy but you'll need a good range of free weight to work with and some basic machines (e.g. cables).

Overall, I found it very logically designed and well-supported in terms of research and experience. The training methods used in the program are absolutely just need to be ready to put in the work to make it happen.

To give you an idea, take a look at some of the results his guys are seeing.


If You're Tired of Getting Big AND Getting Fat at the Same Time...

...I would definitely recommend the Massthetic Muscle program.

Is it going to be easy?


But nothing worthwhile ever is.

Heck, you're probably ALREADY putting in plenty of use this program to direct that effort in a way that is going to payoff with RESULTS.

Check out the Massthetic Muscle program here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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