Subject: The top 7 pieces of home gym you agree with these?

Let me just say, I'm a huge fan of training at home...I have a
great setup in my basement (you've probably seen it in the pics
and video).

[side note, if you're looking for an effective home-based fat-loss
program, check out "Hot at Home" by my friend and colleague
Jackie Burgmann]

Here's my top 7 pieces of equipment, in order of importance,
that I recommend for your home gym.

1. Adjustable Dumbells - fixed dumbells are great, if you
have the space and the money...adjustable allows you to have
more weight options with a smaller footprint, though it's a
tradeoff in setup time.

2. Adjustable Incline/Flat/Decline Bench - this will
dramatically increase the number of exercises you can do
with your dumbells. And don't skimp on quality here...a solid
bench is a must.

3. TRX/Suspension Trainer - essentially a set of straps
that you can hook to a doorway to do bodyweight suspension
training. It's incredibly versatile and effective.

4. Olympic Barbell Set - I like the basic 300 lb sets that
you can get at any sporting goods store.

5. Power Rack - a rack allows you to perform exercises
like squats and bench presses in total safety. I actually NEVER
recommend benching alone outside of a rack. Plus, the range
of exercises you can do in a rack is off the charts.

6. Exercise Ball - this is another very versatile and inexpensive
piece of equipment. Don't skmip on quality here, either,
especially if you plan on using it with any significant resistance.
Look for an anti-burst ball (instead of popping and dropping
you on the floor, it deflates - I've experienced this feature first
hand :).

7. Doorway Chin-Up Bar - most racks will have a bar you
can use for chins, but if you don't have a rack, you need a way
to do one of THE most effective back exercises you can do. And
that means a good doorway chin-up bar.

Did I miss anything?

If you have any other pieces of equipment that you think should
be on this list, hit me back let me know.

And just one last note...the "Hot at Home" program that I
mentioned above is a GREAT option if you have limited
equipment to work with. You don't need all the stuff I have
listed here to use it and it's extremely effective training.

If you want to train in the privacy of your own home, it's
definitely a program worth considering.

And the huge 50% off sale price on it will expire TONIGHT,
so if you're interested, be sure and check it out asap here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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