Subject: The “super exercise” that reverses the damaging effects of sitting...

This single exercise fixes your posture, jumpstarts “dead” muscles, strengthens your heart, and strips off body fat FAST.

And that’s not all...

It’s also been called the “perfect exercise” to strengthen and restore lower back function when other exercises (like deadlifts, good mornings and extensions) cause lower back aggravation and pain. 

In fact, famed back pain expert, Dr. Stuart McGill, discovered the secret to this exercises “rehab power” lies in its ability to REVERSE the negative spinal forces inflicted by conventional weight training.


What’s the exercise?

The kettlebell swing. 

I'm sure you've heard of it...

However, you shouldn't just grab a 'bell and starting flinging it around haphazardly. There's a lot that can go wrong, if you don't know what you're doing.

If you want to realize the full power of this exercise and movement pattern, you need to make sure you’re doing the exercise with precision...using the right technique and the right programming.

Unfortunately, that’s not something you’ll find on YouTube or a random blog article (more often than not you’ll have to wade through a lot of garbage clips to get to something halfway decent).


If you want to learn proper form and instruction, you can get it here.

I will tell you up front...the page that this link goes to is a bit hypey, but the information you'll find within the course itself is rock-solid.

The program is called "Force Factor KB" and, having watched the instructional videos included in it, I can tell you that the creator, Helder Gomes, absolutely knows his stuff.

You'll get a masterclass in the bedrock, foundational exercises of kettlebell training, taught in a way that will show you how to develop and express real, functional power.

The kettlebell swing is the first exercise Helder teaches...the explosive hip hinge of the swing forms the base of almost every power-based movement your body can perform.


Knowing how to truly MAXIMIZE your hip hinge power is like unlocking the next level of strength in opens up a whole new world of power.

For me personally, when I really, truly learned how to hip hinge properly and apply it to my training, it was like a I had just been handed the keys to the kingdom.

I actually remember it pretty clearly, considering it was about 25 years ago!

It was like I was discovering my "center of power" for the first strength went shooting up, right across the board.

It made me feel like everything I was doing before was just "surface" work...and learning these mechanics and activation patterns got me into the real "deep power" work.

You can hammer away on your own and try to stumble upon the methods yourself...or you can take the shortcut and learn from somebody who has mastered both the execution and the TEACHING of these methods.

Get more info on Force Factor KB here.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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