Subject: The stupidest exercises I've ever seen...

From Nick Nilsson
Author and Publisher of BetterU News

Time for some Friday afternoon humor... :)

Here are some of the top winners of the "stupidest exercises
I've ever seen" unofficial contest I've been running for the past
18 years. You might recognize a few but keep in mind, I've seen
people doing ALL of these....(and actually, four of them were
from just ONE guy).


1. Dumbell Hair Combs - Start by holding a dumbell in front of
you. Do a front raise with it then whip the dumbell back and over
the top of your head like you're very quickly combing your hair
with it. Make sure to just miss your skull and do NOT go to
failure. It won't end well for you.

2. Hog-Tied Face-Rubs - Lie on your stomach on the floor. Grasp
your ankles behind your back and rub your face back and forth on
the ground repeatedly. Continue until you've had enough.

3. Abdominal Earthquakes - Lie on the floor on your back in the
classic start position of a crunch. Now yank as hard as you can
on the back of your head up and down and thrash your legs around
in the air like you're fending off starving dogs. This evidently
works your abs. You should resemble a big pile of red,
hypertensive Jello that has just been dropped on the floor as
you're performing the exercise.

4. The Arm Wrecker - Do one cheating, momentum-filled rep of an
arm exercise with ridiculously heavy weight then swing your arms
around as fast as you can in a big circle to get blood to the
muscle which, as I found out from the guy doing this, helps it
grow. This technique will either help your arm grow or will smack
the person waiting to use the machine/weights next.

5. Pelvic Demolisher - Stand with your fingers interlocked
behind your head. Do a pelvic thrust forward and drop your spinal
column down and backwards about 6 inches. Repeat. This exercise
is best done in front of a large group of people for maximum
results...and yes, this is an abdominal exercise for the people
WATCHING, as they roll around on the floor laughing.

6. Dumbell Doggy Digs - Bend over at the waist so that your back
is rounded completely over like an arch. Your legs should be
completely straight and locked out. You should look like you are
trying hard to touch your toes but not really succeeding. Hold
two dumbells down at arms-length. Now spin them round and round
repeatedly just off the floor so that you resemble a dog digging
a hole.

7. Pec Rockets - Set the pec deck machine with far too much
weight for you to handle safely. Make sure you are very sweaty
and slippery before attempting this one. First, use your entire
bodyweight to get one arm pad up to the front. Then, throw
yourself at the other one to get it to the front. Hold them there
for a half-second then get shot four feet out across the floor as
you squirt from the machine like a greased banana.

8. Rush-Hour Bench Press - This exercise is done on the vertical
seated chest press machine that has a foot pedal to help raise
the weight to the starting position. Stomp on this pedal at the
bottom of every single rep to bounce the weight back up and
ensure you're doing as little actual work as possible. Your
footwork will resemble that of someone in rush-hour traffic going
from 0 to 60 to 0 every 3 seconds.

9. Close-Grip, Behind-The-Neck Shoulder Press - Sit in a
shoulder press station, gripping the bar overhead with about 6
inches between your hands. Bring the bar down directly behind
your head. Be sure to lean forward 45 degrees and round your back
over so that your shoulder joints and lower back each get their
fair share of trauma. And if you're not double-jointed on the
first rep, you certainly will be by the time you finish the last

10. C.P.R. Bench Press - Start by loading your safe maximum
bench press weight onto the bar. Now add at least 20 more pounds
just to be even safer. Have your spotter lift the bar off the
rack for you. Lower it 2 inches on your own power then allow it
to drop and cave in your rib cage. For even better results,
aggressively PULL the bar down into your chest to accelerate it
into your rib cage so you get a bigger bounce off the bottom.
Cartilage heals...bones heal...YouTube fame lasts forever...and
yes, chicks dig guys with crushed sternums.


That's all for now! If you'd like to share some of the stupidest
ones you've ever seen, I'd love to hear 'em! If I get enough good
ones, I'll post them on my site, too...


P.S. Got some good news for you, especially if you had wanted to
take advantage of Joel Marion's Xtreme Fat Loss program sale
price but didn't. The book has been so incredibly popular, it
achieved #1 best seller status and was the highest-selling ebook
in the world this past week (nearly 20,000 people picked up a

So Joel has decided to celebrate and extend the offer for an
additional couple of days (til Saturday at midnight, I believe).
I'll keep my 4 book bonus up and running until then as well, so
if you missed out then you haven't actually missed out but you
will miss out if you miss this.


My YouTube Channel - Learn Unique, New Exercises here!

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