Subject: The straight up simple truth about carbs and fat loss...

(and this may turn into a bit of a random
rant here and there, just fyi).

...carbs are energy.

...carbs are not inherently evil...they do not have feelings
or intentions...and they do not get offended.

...carbs don't need to be eliminated or demonized...

...carbs aren't going to make you fat, slow and stupid...

...carbs are fuel like the gas in the gas tank of your car.

There's nothing magical about eating carbs or not
eating carbs for fat loss...

...carbs are NUTRIENTS (or more accurately
macronutrients) and they either get used for energy
immediately or they get STORED as glycogen or as

...if you want to lose fat, carbs need to be MANAGED...
just like anything else that has calories in it...and used
appropriately in the context of an exercise and dietary

...carbs are "emotional" foods because of the chemcial
effect they have in your brain (via the neurotransmitter
serotonin), in a way that fats and proteins aren't,
therefore discussion of carbs in a diet context tends to
stir up more emotional reactions than either fat or protein.

...there are NO "essential' carbs in the way that certain
fats are essential and protein is essential...yet, going
without carbs for long periods CAN have deterimental
effects on the metabolism.

...carbs are delicious...(am I wrong? ;)

...however, some carbs are total crap (high fructose
corn syrup, for example) and should rarely, if ever, be

...when you're trying to lose fat, carbs are an "easy"
fuel source for your body to burn INSTEAD of
bodyfat...therefore targeted carb cycling can be a
tremendously beneficial strategy to force fat loss.


Bottom line is this...carbs can both HELP you lose
fat or help you GAIN fat...depending on HOW and
WHEN you eat them.

The key is knowing how to use carbs to your advantage
rather than letting things happen by chance.

And, to me, this knowledge gives you tremendous
POWER to control your own destiny when it comes to
fat loss.

Because once you know how to use carbs properly,
you'll NEVER be controlled by them again.

Now, as I mentioned a couple of days ago, one of my
first introductions to carb cycling came in the form of
a book called "The Anabolic Diet" by Dr. Mauro

This was a simple 5 days low-carb, 2 days "off" type
of approach, targeted for bodybuilders.

I've since modified that for myself into a very effective
12-day method that I use in my Metabolic Surge
program of 5 days low-carb, 1 day only protein, 1 day
only fruit (no fat or protein) and 5 days of low-fat,
higher-carb eating. Then repeat the cycle.

One of the other methods that I also find VERY effective
is the Macro-patterning™ approach put out by my friend
and colleague Shaun Hadsall in his 4 Cycle Fat Loss

Essentially, as the graphic below shows, the idea is to
strategically restrict your carb intake to preven spillover
from glycogen storage into fat storage.

If you remember my gas tank analogy above, think
of it as never overfilling your "carb tank".

When you keep some "reserve capacity" in your
muscle's glycogen storage (via restricting your carb
intake and through training), this gives you the ability
to eat carbs without having to worry about gaining fat.

Once you grasp the concept (and he lays it out more
fully here
), it essentially takes carbs out of being the
problem in terms of fat loss.

Personally, I think this approach is extremely smart as
it takes full advantage of what your body WANTS to do

...and when you're trying to lose fat, you want to give
yourself every advantage you can get!

This is a strategy you can use for LONG periods of
time to basically lose as much fat as you want
without INSANELY long periods of deprivation.

And I don't know about you, but I LOVE dessert...and I'm
not interested in a diet plan that doesn't let me have it
from time to time, without impacting my results.

The 4 Cycle Solution plan of "targeted carb control"
definitely accomplishes this.

Now, just to let you know here...Shaun has his program
on sale right now for WAY CHEAP...the price is literally
the lowest it's EVER been.

However, the price will be more than DOUBLING after
midnight tonight.

If you're interested in learning how to really TAKE
CONTROL of your fat-loss, this is a program I can
absolutely recommend.

It makes use of many of the same highly-effective eating
principles that I use in my own fat-loss programs.

Grab your copy of the 4 Cycle Solution here (before midnight!)

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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