Subject: The simple pressure point "smack" that drops an attacker like a sack of potatoes...

Got a special guest article for you today, from Russell Stutely...a world-class self-defence instructor.

And yes, this is quite a bit different than the normal fitness info that I send you, but I think this is important stuff.

Being big and strong is not enough to truly protect yourself and the ones you love. You don't even HAVE to be big and strong to use THIS method...



If you are anything like me, you must have pondered this question before…

You are either out alone or with your partner, enjoying a nice drink and before you know it, there is some big, mean ugly dude being offensive to your partner and almost begging you to try and stop him.

A real bully who just wants to get fighting – and is used to it and experienced at it.

You have no weapons – other than your wits and your fighting ability. You have a duty to protect your partner and yourself… and talking your way out – well, it just ain’t gonna happen tonight.

I am going to show you an area of the body that you can slap, that will leave make your opponent flip flop to the floor with ease and leave him lying there totally unconscious, no matter how big and strong he is, no matter how well muscled he is – you can’t build muscles on the jaw!

Here’s what to do…

Most of us are actually VERY scared of physical confrontation – especially when we know it is going to get physical, pretty damn quickly.

We are even more scared when the aggressor is a man mountain with hate and intent in his eyes.

We all know that there are weight divisions in Boxing for a reason – the bigger fighter usually wins.

We just know it to be true, that the bigger the guy, the more chance we have of being hurt!

Why do we believe this?

Well, because, by and large it is TRUE!

If you hit a great big guy wearing a vest, covered by a T Shirt, covered by a jumper, covered by a big thick leather coat in the body – you are asking for nothing to happen.

Not only has he got the ‘’armour plating’’ of his size, but also of his clothing.

In this scenario – we are asking to wiped out, as he stands there laughing at our pathetic attempt at hitting him.

So, this is what we do instead….

If you would like to know how to hit like the proverbial Mule AND know the secret locations on the human body that AMPLIFY the effects 10 fold or more – then read on.

Here is my favourite example:

This black dot on the diagram is your target area – TOP TIP: This works on EVERYONE and works better the MORE angry they are!

STEP 1 You HAVE to start thinking like a predator, not a victim. You MUST REALISE that you HAVE to hit first. Every milli-second you delay, increases your chances of being hurt. You can’t allow a self defense situation to degenerate into a fight. Your mindset needs to INSTANTLY switch from Victim to Predator. Your thinking must be one of, how dare you be in my face… I am going to hunt you down like rabid dog.


STEP 2 We are going to ‘’condition’’ our mind and body to automatically react to a given input or an anchor. We will train our mind to react to one word or phrase, that will make us suddenly and explosively attack. Just do not make the phrase something like ‘’yes honey’’. It will be what is called a Pavlovian Response. My favourite is ‘’forget it’’. When I KNOW a situation is going to become violent – no matter what is said – I say ‘’forget it’’ and strike.


STEP 3 Use MIS-DIRECTION to set everything up. Magicians use this all the time – you look at one hand to try and figure out what they are doing, when it was the other hand all along. So, we use that same principle to ‘’pattern interrupt’’ the aggressor.

Example of mis-direction: Attacker shouts ‘’ I am gonna do xxxx to you’’. You reply with something completely off topic, such as ‘’Do you like Jelly Babies?” When they are suddenly trying to figure out what you are on about… scream forget it as you attack. There are millions of alternatives – pick one that suits you… one of my best was just to say pardon – and the idiots always go to repeat what they just said… then hit them before they get past the first word.

STEP 4 Slap across and down through this area as fast and as hard as you possibly can. As long as you go through it will work. Not only that, it will work amazingly well!

I assure you that even the biggest guy will IMMEDIATELY collapse to the floor and will probably be totally out of it.

If they are not out yet, you simply hit them again and again and again, till they are.

You might well be thinking – What if I miss? What if it goes wrong? What if he attacks me first?

Thankfully we have got you covered on that too!

Plus we have you covered on scenarios you have not even thought of yet.

I can promise you this, your opponent will not have a clue what to do once you implement the systems we are going to show you.

The answers to all those questions and MANY more are completely covered on the Multiplied Force Fighting System.


On Russell's website, he's got a few more examples of what you'll find in his system. It's really powerful, practical real-world stuff that you can learn quickly, without needing to spend years mastering techniques and fancy drills.

Check it out here.

have not even thought of yet.

I can promise you this, your opponent will not have a clue what to do once you implement the systems we are going to show you.

The answers to all those questions and MANY more are completely covered on the Multiplied Force Fighting System.


On Russell's website, he's got a few more examples of what you'll find in his system. It's really powerful, practical real-world stuff that you can learn quickly, without needing to spend years mastering techniques and fancy drills.

Check it out here.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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