Subject: The original "IF" Protocol for FAST fat loss.

If you want fast, efficient fat-loss, one of the single most effective methods is Intermittent Fasting (IF for short).

It's very simple...don't eat for a short period of time (like 24 hours)...then eat again.

(ok, it's maybe a bit more complex than that, but that IS the basic idea).

For me, the first time I read about it, I thought it was completely insane. If you don't eat for a whole day, you lose muscle and your metabolism grinds to a halt, right?


It takes a lot longer than that for an appreciable drop in your metabolism...and your body actually CAN go without food for a decent amount of time and still not lose muscle mass.

In my experience with Intermittent Fasting, I found that not eating for 24 hours was actually pretty easy. It creates a substantial caloric deficit and allows your digestive system to "rest" so that your body can focus it's energy on repairing and rebuilding, not digesting all the time.

Are you going to get hungry?

Probably...but you're on a diet. If you're not getting hungry at least some of the time, you're eating too much and you're not going to lose fat anyway.

The book that really changed my attitude about Intermittent Fasting is called "Eat Stop Eat" by Brad Pilon.

If you haven't read it yet, I can honestly say this is a classic in the field of nutrition and something I really think EVERY trainer (or person just interested in fat loss) should read.

It's eye-opening and the concepts just make a TON of sense when you read through it.

You can grab your copy here right now for just 10 bucks.

(this low price will only be available for the month of June, so if you're interested, definitely go get your copy now...totally worth the price).

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscl

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