Subject: The one true key to FAST fat loss...(and it always works!)

I won't keep you in suspense...the key is that you've got to be inefficient.

I'll explain...

Training for muscle and strength needs to be that you SHOULD actually do the same exercises regularly so your body knows exactly what it has to adapt to gets EFFICIENT at performing those exercises.

That's how you best build strength and muscle. for fat-loss should be CONSTANTLY varied! The workouts should actually be TOTALLY INCONSISTENT so that you're inefficient at whatever you're doing.

Sound weird or wrong? Consider this...

Have you seen the person who is an excellent runner, practically floating down the street almost effortlessly?

And have you seen the person who is NOT an excellent runner...plodding down the street, looking absolutely miserable...struggling just to keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Who do you think is burning more calories?

It's the person who is COMPLETELY inefficient at running....they're practically killing themselves but they're burning a LOT of calories.

Now believe me, I'm not saying go do something you're going to get hurt at (and honestly, most people should NOT start walking first, then progress to it, if you want to get into running).

What you REALLY need to strive for in your fat-loss training is the inefficiency of that second person.

You should always be striving to keep your off-balance so it's constantly fighting to try and figure out what's going on. You want to avoid efficiency at all costs.

So to help you achieve that inefficiency, my friend and colleague, Jen Sinkler, has just released a collection of FAST fat-loss workouts (181 of them, to be exact!) called "Lift Weights Faster 2".

Most of them can be done in 10 minutes or less, covering bodyweight, dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells and much more....lots of stuff to keep your body guessing, whether you're a beginner, intermediate or advanced trainer.

This stuff is really cool..

If you're looking for some unique training to get your motivation (and your metabolism) in high gear, Jen's done a fantastic job putting these together.

I even managed to twist her arm to get a sample workout here for you (and by twisting her arm, I mean I asked her nicely.... ;).

Give this workout a'll be done in 10 minutes or less!

This is only a very small sample of the kind of workouts you'll get in "Lift Weights Faster 2." There are 180 more in the book!

Bottom line, if you're looking for some fast, effective and challenging fat loss workouts that are "done for you" (as in CREATED for you ;), definitely pick up a copy of this.

Every single workout and every single exercise is explained in detail so you know exactly what you're doing every step of the way.

Check it out here...and get 181 workouts that will get you lean FAST.

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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