Subject: The one STUPID reason why you're NOT building muscle or strength...

I hate suspense... It's your core strength.

Your core strength is holding you back.

One of the most important lessons I've learned in my 24+ years
of training is that if your core is weak or "just for show," you
will NEVER achieve the muscle or strength gains you're truly
capable of.

Literally never.

You'll never be able to lift heavy enough weights to build
serious top-end strength...

You won't be able to generate the core stabilization force
you need for applying maximium tension to your muscles
to build mass...

And if you train your abs "just for show" with various
crunches and leg raises, your abs will tighten up, shorten
and continuously pull your torso forward, hunching you
over and giving you back pain.

Not a pretty picture...

...but it's easily fixed with the right exercises.

My favorite exercises for building the kind of core strength
that makes muscle and strength-building EASY are as follows...

1. Curl Squats

Take a moderate weight, hold it in the top of the curl position.
Now hold it there and squat. Simple as that. I've got 135 lbs
on the bar...start lighter than this the first time you do it.

2. One-Shoulder Barbell Squats

Set a bar up on the safety rails of the rack, at a height that
you can get under for a squat. Use a barbell pad for this
one. Rest the bar on your right shoulder and hold on with
both hands. Now tighten up your core and come up.

Here's a side view. I've got 225 lbs on the bar...definitely
start lighter then first time you do it...and I hope you DO it,
because it's a KILLER core strength exercise.

3. Dumbbell Crawling

If you didn't hate me for the other two exercises, you're
going to REALLY hate me for this one...

Take a couple of dumbbells (I'm using 65's) and "bear
crawl" up and down the floor.

When you bring your right hand dumbbell forward, step
forward with your left foot. And when you bring the left
hand dumbbell forward, step forward with your right foot.
You'll be supporting yourself on opposing limbs as
you're crawling forward.

When you've gone about 10 to 15 feet forward, repeat
the process going BACKWARDS...which I find is
actually even HARDER.

Now these exercises are awesome...but
don't let them scare you...there IS
another way to build core strength...

Because as great as these exercises are, there are
OTHER very effective ways to develop the core strength
you need to unlock your TRUE potential for muscle and

Now, I sent you an email yesterday about an interesting
new technique called "Core Activation Sequences."

These sequences are essentially a series of unique
exercises that "re-educate" your core muscles to help
them fire properly when you're performing not only
strength training but everyday movements and activities
as well.

I'll tell you right up front, I was a bit skeptical when
I first saw this stuff.

After all, you can see the kind of exercises I like to do
for my core...they're insane...they're heavy...and they

What I WASN'T getting was that sometimes you have
to lighten up the load to really TEACH those muscles
how to fire properly, so you can squeeze the most out
of them when you DO work the heavy stuff.

It makes a big difference and it'll be an eye-opening
experience for you when you try them.

Your back pain will start to'll notice
your waist getting smaller...your posture will

And your core will get STRONGER.

You can learn more about "Core Activation Sequences" here...

Personally, I highly recommend this stuff. It's excellent
information and it absolutely CAN help improve your
muscle and strength gains by teaching you how to
properly fire your core muscles.

As well, the workouts are short and can be done in
conjunction with ANY other training program.

Learn how to increase your core strength with "Core Activation Sequences" now...


Nick Nilsson
The "Mad
Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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with and deliver science-based, unconventional new training
programs, techniques and exercises that get you results FAST,
where other programs fail.

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