Subject: The next level of training insanity...quadruple ADD sets...

Because don't come to me for
"normal," right... ;).

This technique is essentially the same as the Triple Add
Set (that I talked about a few days ago with the Weight
Plate Pizza Press)...only with yet one MORE set tagged
on at the end. With this version, you're going to be using
a BIG this case, the Trap Bar Deadlift that
allows for maximum weight to be used.


How to Do a Triple Add Set
(you can skip this if you already know)

The Triple Add Set is a KILLER technique that targets all
three major muscle fiber types in one set. It's extremely
challenging and incredibly effective for building muscle!

To do a Triple Add Set, you're going to start with a relatively
light weight and do high reps. This targets the Type 1 or
Slow Twitch muscle fibers. These are the endurance-
focused fibers (also known as "red" fibers).

Then you'll immediately increase to a moderate weight and
do a moderate rep range (6 to 10 reps). This targets
Type 2a fibers. These are used for short-to-moderate
duration, moderate-to-high intensity work, as is seen in
most weight training activities.

Then you'll immediately increase the weight once more...
using heavy weight, aiming for 2 to 3 reps. This targets
the Type 2b fibers...which are built for explosive, powerful
and very short-duration activity.

And yes, it sounds completely counter-intuitive to work the
fibers in this order (endurance to power)...and you CAN
absolutely do it the other way as well. Personally, I actually
find I get better muscle fiber activation in the second and
third parts of the set after performing the endurance training
for the first part of the set.

My theory is that by pre-fatiguing your endurance fibers,
you eliminate them from helping with the subsequent loads,
forcing greater recruitment of those fibers by the body to
actually move those loads. Then the same thing happens
with the Type 2a fibers (before doing the low-rep training).


So for this QUADRUPLE Add Set...

You're going to be following the same pattern, only instead
of finishing with the one "heavy" set of 2-3 reps, you're going
to go for a "near max" set of just ONE rep.

This is going to really finish off those high-threshold motor
units and give you some excellent strength well
as a lesson in determination.

As I mentioned above, I'm demonstrating this technique
using the Trap Bar Deadlift. This exercise is PERFECT for
this technique because there's not a whole lot of technique
involved with it. You just grab the bar and pull.

You can absolutely use the straight bar deadlift, if you don't
have a trap's just a bit easier to execute and push to
the limit when using the trap bar.

Weight selection is going to be one of the toughest parts
to master in this technique. For me, it was easy...I decided
to do a very simple plate-based approach, starting with 2
plates, 3 plates, 4 plates then 5 plates. That worked out
perfectly for me. You will likely need to figure out what loads
will work for YOU.

Set #1 - Very High Reps - 225 lbs

For this set, start with a weight you know you can hammer
out a lot of reps with...meaning more than 30 reps. I have
225 lbs on the bar, and I managed to hit 40 reps.

This is going to work the slow-twitch muscle fibers very strongly.

Perform these reps at a good pace...because even though
they're "slow" twitch fibers, it doesn't mean you have to or even
SHOULD lift slow.

On each rep, just lightly touch the plates to the
need to stop on every rep and reset.

Set #2 - Medium Reps - 315 lbs

Immediately after finishing your first set, add your next plates
onto the bar. The ONLY rest you get is the time it takes to
add those plates.

Use a weight that allows you hit about 6 to 10 reps in the set. I
managed to hit 8 reps with 315 lbs here.

This set targets the Type 2a muscle fibers.

Set #3 - Heavy Weight - 405 lbs

Now again, immediately after finishing the set, add the next
set of plates onto the bar. I managed to hit 3 reps with this

This targets the Type 2b muscle fibers. may decide that a TRIPLE add set is all you need
to do. If you only get 1 rep with this weight, I would definitely
end the set there. If you get 2 or 3 reps with the weight, then
you can hit another set.

Set #4 - Very Heavy Weight - 495 lbs

This is the last and final set. Get the bar loaded with your
heaviest weight. This should definitely short of your normal
1 RM. For me, this is about 90% of my 1 RM if I were to do
it a regular workout.

This is going to really've pretty much fatigued
the majority of your muscle fibers...of ALL types. Now you're
going to really see what you're made of.

Be VERY conscious of form here. If your form is breaking
down, don't try and force the lift. Your weight selection should
be determined by how you felt on the previous set.

And this last set should be just one rep.

You're done!

I would only recommend doing ONE round of this style of
training. Believe me, if you're pushing is plenty.

This technique can be used on just about any exercise,
though I would absolutely reserve it for the big compound
movements like deadlifts, squats and presses.

It may take a bit of trial and error to determine how much
weight to use. I'm adding 90 lbs per shot may only
be 20 to 30 pounds on some exercises.

Bottom line, if you're looking for a challenge and you want
to hit ALL your muscle fiber types in one set, I find the Add
Set format to be MUCH better than the Drop Set format,
even though it seems like it should be the opposite. This
one will push you to the limit on every single part of the set.

If you want to watch the whole thing on video, I have it posted
to my YouTube Channel here as well.

Watch it now!

Be sure and subscribe to my channel while you're there! I
post all kinds of cool stuff there that doesn't always make it
into the newsletter here. You definitely don't want to miss
anything... ;)

If you try this technique, let me know how you like it! Or even if
you just want to curse at me, that's fine, too...


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Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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I'm known as the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" for a reason. I enter my
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More insane Mad Scientist training to help you burn fat, build
muscle and develop YOUR best physique.

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