Subject: The most off-the-charts INSANE ab exercise I've EVER done...

First off, let me just start by saying yes...I AM nuts...

...and sometimes I think my purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others.

So on that note...let's begin...

"Normal" Dumbbell Crawling is an AWESOME core of my all-time favorites, in fact. In my opinion and experience, nothing builds core strength and performance like this exercise.

If you haven't tried it, you absolutely should. It's an eye-opener.

I won't go into all the amazing benefits of this exercise and "how to do it" here...if you want the full rundown, I've got instructions posted on my site here.

Now...THIS new version of the exercise features the next logical steps that I took from my original Dumbbell Crawling exercise (which used just a single pair of dumbbells). I call that Level 1.

Level 2 Dumbbell Crawling adds in a pair of ankle weights (I have a 20 lb pair). This puts greater cross-tension through the core when you simultaneously lift a dumbbell and a foot off the ground with every step.

Level 3 Dumbbell Crawling adds in band resistance in addition to the dumbbells and ankle weights. The band is looped around your wrists and feet so that every forward step you take, you get horizontal band resistance on the core as well.

Which brings me to Level 4...

For this one, I also threw an 85 lb weight vest over my back like a pack mule to further increase my own bodymass, making the exercise even that much harder.

I'll tell you right up front...this exercise is RIDICULOUSLY tough. I almost collapsed on every single forward crawl step that I took. The loading on the core is absolutely off the charts.

You may not ever do this exact exercise (I DO want you to try Level 1, at the very least).

The reason I'm even showing you this exercise is that I think you need to see show you that your body CAN do amazing things. All you need is the drive to push yourself to the limit and the "crazy" to make it happen.

Don't ever settle for mediocrity.

How to do Level 4 Dumbbell Crawling

Start by setting a pair of dumbbells at the end of an empty stretch of floor. Aim for at least 10-15 feet of open space.

Put your ankle weights on.

Sling the weight vest across your back like a pack mule (you'll see this in the video). I don't recommend wearing the vest like you normally would for vest training. It may work on other vests, but my vest (an 85 lb X-Vest) flops forward and opens up when I'm horizontal because of all the weight and it's location relative to the stomach straps).

Once you've got the vest across your upper back, then get the band around your wrists and looped around the soles of your shoes.

Now the fun begins...

Pick up and move the left dumbbell forward a little while at the same time stepping forward with your right foot.

The instant you lift both, it puts MASSIVE cross-tension through the entire a giant wringing you out.

Then continue with the other hand/leg...picking up and moving the right dumbbell forward while stepping forward with your left foot.

Keep going and try not to die...

As I got towards the end of the mats, I decided to shift the weight vest to my lower back to see if that would be a better loading position.

It was...though at that point, I didn't have much left in the tank to keep going more than a few more steps.

Continue the movement until you hit your designated distance...or you collapse to the ground. For me, it was collapse to the ground.

Roll the dumbbells out of the way then push the weight vest over and off your back and you're done!

Why Did I Do This Exercise?

The purpose of this exercise is twofold...

1. To build cross-tension core strength using maximum resistance using a variety of methods and directions.

2. To see if I could do it.

And as you probably guessed, #2 was the main driver for me...and by posting this, I'm hoping it inspires YOU to push your own limits!

I've posted the full video of the exercise in action on my YouTube Channel's worth watching, especially if you want to see me suffer for all the brutal exercises and training techniques I've put YOU through... ;).

Want more INSANE core training like this? Check out my book "The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of"....

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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More insane Mad Scientist training to help you burn fat, build
muscle and develop YOUR best physique.

Muscle Explosion - 28 Days to Maximum Mass
Mad Scientist Muscle
Metabolic Surge - Rapid Fat Loss
Gluteus to the Maximus - Build a Bigger Butt Now!
The Best Bodyweight Exercises You've Never Heard Of
The Best Abdominal Exercises You've Never Heard Of

