Subject: The light weight leg workout that UNLOCKS stubborn fat...

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I'm not going to tell you this one will be easy...but it works.

You'll be pushing your legs to the limit of how much lactic acid (lactate) they can tolerate and still function.

I'll tell you how this lactate generation unlocks stubborn fat here (it's actually a hormonal mechanism rather than burning calories).

All you need is some simple equipment...dumbbells, barbell, a place to do squats...that's pretty much it (if you have access to a squat or Smith machine, that'll give you even more training effect).

This workout just uses light weight but will literally leave you on the floor.


If you want more workouts like this, check out my Metabolic Monsters book. (I've got a TON like this in there).

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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