Subject: The "frequency" method I used to add 80 lbs to my squat in 4 weeks...

Now THIS is some cool stuff that really
demonstrates the power of high-frequency

For the past 4 weeks, I've been using my Daily Specialization
program with an exercise called the Anderson Squat (if
you're not familiar with that exercise, it's basically a squat
starting out of the BOTTOM instead of the top).

This exercise is generally done in the power rack, off the
safety rails, but I actually constructed a special bar out of
plumbing pipe that I got at the hardware store (what can I
say...I really AM a mad scientist!).

The bar is basically a "yoke" bar with shorter vertical posts
so that I can start with the weights on the floor, in the bottom
position of the squat without needing a rack.

The exercise itself is AWESOME. I actually like it better
than regular squats. There's no wasted effort unracking
and walking back and you get NO help via elastic tension
in the muscles, so it's even harder than a regular squat.

It's straight up applying effort to the bar then lowering it
back down, more in line with what you do in a deadlift
than a barbell...and the best part is, you don't have worry
about getting stuck at the bottom of the squat, simply
because you're SUPPOSED to finish at the bottom of
the squat!

So on Day 1, I started with this setup and got 12 reps
using 225 lbs.

On EVERY SINGLE DAY after that, morning and night,
I've been doing a set of Anderson matter if
I worked legs or if I'm dead tired and only get minimal
reps. One set, done to a few reps short of failure (NEVER
to failure).

Over the course of time, when I was able to hit 15 reps
consistently, I would increase the weight by 20 lbs on
the bar.

Well, today is about 4 weeks later (Day 27) and this
morning I hit 11 reps with 305 lbs.

That is literally 80 lbs heavier in the same
exercise for practically the same number
of reps in 4 weeks.

I have NOT done this exercise at all outside of this daily
training (a.k.a. "grease the groove") so that increase is
solely a result of doing 2 sets a day, EVERY single day.

And that's just in 4 weeks...I'm going to keep this up for
at least another month, just to see what happens.

The take-home lesson is this...

DO NOT be afraid to push the limits on training frequency.
Your body is designed to WORK and work OFTEN.

If you've been stuck in a rut, give this method a try. You
don't have to use a resistance exercise like I've been
doing (I have a basement gym, so it's easy for me)
can use it with bodyweight training as well.

You can do it with chin-ups, handstand push-ups, regular
push-ups, single-leg squats, bodyweight tricep extensions,
dips, etc. Just about ANY good exercise is fair game for

Just one set, done twice a day, every day...just short of
failure. Simple and effective.

Now, if you'd like to see what kind of results you can
get with a high-frequency program designed for your
WHOLE BODY, I've got just what you're looking for.

I've mentioned Rusty Moore's program "Visual Impact
Frequency Training
" a few times this week...and for good

It's excellent...and it covers exactly what I'm talking
about here...hitting your muscles more frequently, but with
less volume, to elicit that more frequency training stimulus
and growth response.

I've found this style of training to be incredibly effective in
my 25+ years under the bar. When high-frequency training
is done correctly, in my experience, the results you can
get are absolutely unmatched by more conventional
programs (such as one bodypart per day).

Check out Visual Impact Frequency Training here...on sale for one more day...

Nick Nilsson
The "Mad Scientist of Muscle"

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