Subject: The exercise I use to fix my "text neck"... (a bit crazy)

Now, if you're not familiar with the term, "text neck" basically means a forward head position.

This is generally caused by spending a lot of time looking down at a phone or tablet or anything else in front of you (even a book, if you remember those).

It can really mess with your posture and, if you don't address it, can lead to PERMANENT changes in your bone structure.

I'm guilty of this sometimes, this exercise is what I'll do when I feel like I've spent too much time in that position and need to straighten things out.

It's a weighted dip with the belt across the back of my neck instead of around my waist.

It works great for me... but it clearly it isn't for everybody...

...or almost anybody... ;)


There ARE options that don't involve hanging weights from your head, though...

That's where my friend Rick Kaselj comes in.

I've known him personally for more than 15 years and I have to say, while he's a kinesiologist and injury specialist, he's really a certified genius when it comes to straightening out the human body.

The way I see it, with all due modesty, what I am to insane exercises, he is to injury rehab...he's that good.

Rick has come out with a program specifically for addressing this postural neck problem called the Forward Head Posture Fix.

This program is designed to take you through a series of easy exercises that literally "unwind" the postural tilt in your neck so that you can stand up straight again.


You can AVOID and FIX the "mighty hump"...

  • ...and the headaches
  • the back pain
  • the sleep disruption
  • brain fog
  • a reduction in your height
  • even a decrease in your lung capacity (from the hunched forward position)

It's a pretty long list of bad things that can happen once your neck gets out of alignment, to be honest.

And the solution is EASY and right at your fingertips (and is just 10 bucks right now!).

Click here to learn more about the Forward Head Posture Fix and discover what it can do for you now!

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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