Subject: The entire gym class laughed (even my teacher) when they saw me do this...

I remember it very clearly...I was in the 11th grade, in high school and I was a really high-level endurance athlete.

For the gym glass that day we were doing fitness testing.

And being an athlete, I thought "Well shoot, I'm going to ace everything"...

...and I totally did...

...chin-ups, sit-ups, VO2 level marks the whole way...

...up until the very last test.

...which was a flexibility test (the sit and reach test).


I sat on the floor in front of the measuring setup and leaned forward as far as I could...and everybody started busting a gut laughing...

Yes, even the teacher...

I couldn't even reach my toes.

It was brutal.

Now, don't get me wrong...this isn't a story about some traumatic event in high school. I was laughing right along with them... we always gave each other a hard time as much as possible.

...but inside I was like "dang...that's awful. I've really gotta do something about this."


So I decided I'd stretch every single day until I got more flexibile.

Every night for 2 months, right before bed I would take 10-15 minutes and just stretch.

And at the end of that period of time, I was able to not only touch my toes, I could easily set both palms on the ground in a standing toe-touch test.


And then I quit working at it...

Luckily, I never got that super-stiff again, but I basically quit working at it because it was taking too much time.

What I didn't realize is that there IS a better way.

THIS is a better way.

It's a flexibility method put together by my friend and colleague, Logan Christopher, he calls Flow Stretching.

And you can stretch your whole body in just 7 MINUTES.

The benefits of improved flexibilty are tremendous...however, because the methods most people know about take so much TIME to see results, it's easy to leave it by the wayside and focus on other things.

I'm absolutely guilty of that.

Logan's Flow Stretching method is something that only takes a few minutes and hits basically every major muscle group in your body, giving the the benefits of total-body stretching in a fraction of the time that traditional methods do.

If you want to be more flexible, yet don't have the time to do it the "normal" slow way, you'll definitely want to have a look at this.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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