Subject: The common/uncommon nutrient that accelerates connective tissue healing...

I was truly amazed at how fast this stuff helped heal a foot injury that I had.

I had gotten a strain in the connective tissue in my right ankle a few years back (combination of overuse, a shoe that was just a tiny bit too small, and doing some "forefoot running"...long story).

I could mostly still walk on it but every step was painful.

So I took a BIG dose of a unique form of Vitamin C straightaway when I got home...then another big dose right before going to sleep.

Vitamin C itself is common...THIS new form is uncommon.

And let me tell you...if I took this much "normal" Vitamin C, it wouldn't have been can get digestive "distress" when you take too much of that at once and your body isn't used to it.


You see, I knew that Vitamin C is absolutely CRITICAL for collagen formation and connective tissue repair.

It's one of the limiting factors for how fast your body can heal a connective tissue injury.

Vitamin C is the key component of the collagen matrix that forms connective tissue.

Without enough of it available when you need it, it's like building a house where the materials arrive a couple of boards at a time. You'll probably get there (or you may not!), but it'll take a LOT longer to finish.

Knowing this, I knew the best way to help heal up my injury fast would be to get massive doses of C into my system while continuing to move around on it and use it (you need circulation to get nutrients to the injured area and clear out inflammation).


[Side note, the R.I.C.E. protocol of Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation has actually been "rescinded" by the guy who came up with it in the first WANT circulation to the area. That's how your body heals. Icing might make something feel better by numbing the nerves and reducing localized swelling, but slowing circulation slows healing. Naturally, do what your doctor advises if you have an injury, since I'm not one, but it's food for thought for you to research if you haven't heard of this before.]



The next morning, my injury felt almost completely back to normal...I felt like Wolverine with super healing power :)

I could walk on it without any sort of hitch in my gait.

I wasn't going to try running on it but there was no pain and it felt stable again.

I was VERY impressed.

This was a real-world test of a unique form of Vitamin C, and it passed with flying colors.

Honestly, once you try this stuff, you’ll never go back to regular vitamin C again...I haven't and it's been years.


Regular vitamin C has been research-proven to give you the benefits below... this unique form of C will work even better because of #1...


1. It stays in your bloodstream for HOURS instead of minutes

Regular vitamin C is water-soluble...your body flushes any excess out pretty much immediately. This form of vitamin C is FAT soluble and stays in your body much longer than regular vitamin C, similar to lipospheric C, but without the price tag.

  • This allows it to deeply penetrate all of your cells, tissues, and organs, and intensify all the benefits you're going to see below.
  • And best of all, there are NO side effects. You don’t have to worry about taking too much or getting an upset stomach with this form of Vitamin C because you only have to take a little and it’s much more powerful.


2. Makes your immune system better able to fight off most sicknesses... Viruses, the flu, and even the common cold.

[Vitamin C and Immune Function. Carr AC, Maggini S. Nutrients. 2017;9(11):1211]

  • You’ll stay protected even when you’re exposed to sick people (even germy little kids)… 


3. Helps your body produce more collagen (this is what I was talking about above)… Collagen is the "glue" that binds our cells together and forms the matrix of your connective tissue. Without enough Vitamin C, your body can't form this matrix properly...injuries and wounds heal slowly or not at all.

[Efficacy of Vitamin C Supplementation on Collagen Synthesis and Oxidative Stress After Musculoskeletal Injuries: A Systematic Review. DePhillipo, et al, Orthop J Sports Med. 2018;6(10)]

  • More collagen means healthier cells, healthier joints and ligaments, and even healthier teeth.
  • Collagen also keeps your skin smooth and wrinkle-free, and it helps heal soft tissue and bone injuries.
  • With this form of C, your body will be producing more collagen than ever.


4. Fights and kills cancer cells… Regular vitamin C is toxic to cancer cells (high-dose IV vitamin C is a cancer treatment, in fact). This form of C is even more's not a cure for cancer, but it can certainly assist your body in fighting it.

[Nauman G, Gray JC, Parkinson R, Levine M, Paller CJ. Systematic Review of Intravenous Ascorbate in Cancer Clinical Trials. Antioxidants (Basel). 2018;7(7):89. Published 2018 Jul 12. doi:10.3390/antiox7070089]


5. Reduces widespread inflammation by up to 45%... New research shows that the more vitamin C you have in your cells and tissues, the less inflamed they will be. 

[Effect of vitamin C on inflammation and metabolic markers in hypertensive and/or diabetic obese adults: a randomized controlled trial. Ellulu, et al, Drug Des Devel Ther. 2015;9:3405-3412]

  • Since inflammation is the root cause of most health problems, bringing it down has the potential to improve your health dramatically.
  • You’ll feel the difference in your joints when you wake up in the morning, and when you swing your golf club with no pain whatsoever.


6. Prevents DNA damage by protecting your cells against harmful free radicals… Vitamin C is the most basic, natural defense against oxidative stress.

[Lobo V, Patil A, Phatak A, Chandra N. Free radicals, antioxidants and functional foods: Impact on human health. Pharmacogn Rev. 2010;4(8):118-126]

  • Oxidative stress is basically too much oxygen. Oxygen is good for us, but too much can be detrimental. Think of a pool filled with chlorine... the chlorine acts like bleach, killing the germs in the pool. Similar to this, when the cells in the body get too much oxygen, the oxygen starts attacking and destroying these cells.
  • This form of C will protect your cells from oxidative stress and other harmful free radicals, keeping your cells safe from DNA damage.


7. Protects your vision and lowers the risk of cataracts

[Ravindran RD, Vashist P, Gupta SK, et al. Inverse association of vitamin C with cataract in older people in India. Ophthalmology. 2011;118(10):1958-1965]

  • With this unique form of Vitamin C, you'll slow down age-related macular degeneration.
  • It also greatly reduces your chances of developing cataracts later in life...up to 57%.


8. Naturally lowers blood pressure… High doses of regular vitamin C have been shown to help men naturally lower their blood pressure and improve blood flow.

[Juraschek SP, Guallar E, Appel LJ, Miller ER 3rd. Effects of vitamin C supplementation on blood pressure: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012;95(5):1079-1088]


9. Lowers the risk of stroke… There is a significant decrease in stroke risk with increased levels of circulating vitamin C.

[Chen GC, Lu DB, Pang Z, Liu QF. Vitamin C intake, circulating vitamin C and risk of stroke: a meta-analysis of prospective studies. J Am Heart Assoc. 2013;2(6)]

  • This form of C stays in your bloodstream for hours, not minutes, getting into tissues that regular C simply doesn't have the capability of getting into because it gets flushed out so fast.


10. Boosts cognitive function… Vitamin C is extremely important for our brains. 

[Travica N, Ried K, Sali A, Scholey A, Hudson I, Pipingas A. Vitamin C Status and Cognitive Function: A Systematic Review. Nutrients. 2017;9(9):960. Published 2017 Aug 30]

  • It plays a crucial role in the creation of new neurons and keeps the myelin sheath strong, so the cells stay protected. 
  • It also helps protect our memories and can help slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s and dementia. 


Sounds pretty good, doesn't it?

Click here to learn more about this potent form of Vitamin C...

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

P.S. When you pick up the Vitamin C report, you will also get full access to the "Fat Depletion Protocol"... I've read through it and found the information to be downright fascinating. I haven't had a chance to try it out yet, but even as counterintuitive as some of the information sounds, I think it does have real potential to be effective. The mechanism makes sense.

In addition, you'll get the "Liver Cleanse Protocol" to help...well....cleanse your liver, and the Thermo 3 diet protocol that can clear your body of hormone-crushing "PUFAs"...polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Finally, be sure to read through all the terms before you pick up the Vitamin C report, so you know exactly what to expect! If you want to cancel, you can do so any time and I'll be happy to help, if you need it.

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