Subject: The best single-leg exercise you SHOULD be doing...

I'm not going to keep you in suspense very long...

The exercise is the Bulgarian Split Squat and it's one of the best single-leg exercises there is. It should be a staple in your exercise routine, especially if you're interested in functional strength and power in the lower body..

If you're not familiar with it, this exercise is a "lunge" position exercise (a.k.a. split squat) with your back foot set on a bench to elevate it so that you get greater range of motion as you come down.

Check out this short video demo on how to perform the Bulgarian Split Squat.


Want to Build "Pound For Pound" Strength, Power and Explosiveness WITHOUT Adding Mass?

Not everybody wants to (or should) focus on building muscle mass.

If you're an athlete and your sport requires excellent "pound-for-pound" strength and power (anything with a weight class, e.g. boxing, is a perfect example), you need to train to maximize those attributes without adding extra weight in the form of muscle mass.

This type of training is NOT something you'll find being taught in most commercial gyms. There's a lot more to it than just lifting heavy weights for very low reps and hoping for the best.

At that link above, you'll notice that below the exercise demo is a program called "Pound For Pound Strength and Power."

This was put together by two friends and colleagues of mine, Funk Roberts and Coach Delroy Rhooms.

The program is based on thousands of hours of REAL athletic training (Coach Delroy runs a top strength facility in Canada and has worked with pro athletes, Olympians, high school athletes and regular guys over the years).

The VPX method (Velocity, Power and Xceleration) that the program is based on has been PROVEN successful with these athletes.

If you want to develop absolute strength and power without adding extra mass, definitely have a look at this program.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle

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