Subject: The best protein to regrow cartilage in your joints...

If you deal with knee pain, lower back pain, elbow stiffness, or hip tightness...this is something you need to read.

Did you know that there is one protein that actually helps REGROW cartilage in your joints while reducing pain-causing inflammation? 

Normally, doctors treat joint pain with cortisone shots and medication.... 

However, this only masks the pain, and doesn't address the root of the problem.

So once the drugs wear off, you're right back to the same pain that you started with.

However, if you eat more of this one protein, you can actually restore cartilage in your joints, getting rid of that painful bone-on-bone friction.


So what is this special protein? If you guessed collagen, you're right on target!

The problem is, most of the collagen products out there are incomplete (even the expensive ones).

Almost all collagen powders on the market are missing 4 of the 5 crucial types of collagen.

And as a result, when you don't see results from it, you would certainly conclude that it doesn't work. 


So what's the solution?

My friends at Rootz created a collagen powder that contains ALL FIVE types of collagen to get you maximum results.

Simply put... this is THE most effective combination of collagen available.

These 5 types work together to restore the cartilage in your knees, back, and hips, while reducing pain causing inflammation. 

In fact, most users report seeing results in less than 7 days.


Here is one review from Paula C. in Ahwatukee, Az:

"I've tried painkillers, stretching, and everything in between and nothing has given me relief for my sciatica like the Rootz Collagen Superfood. I take it daily, and feel good knowing that I am healing my body with real superfoods instead of pharmaceutical drugs"


If you would like to heal your joint pain for good, I would highly recommend giving this stuff a try. 

It is one the most effective (and simplest) ways to achieve long lasting relief so you can get back to a more active life and moving with greater ease.

Nick Nilsson
The Mad Scientist of Muscle


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